Gregory C. Mosier, Dean
409 Ansari Business Building
(775) 784-4912
The mission of the College of Business is to achieve excellence in our undergraduate and graduate business programs. In pursuing this mission our objectives include: a) achieving excellence in business education by integrating academic scholarship and practical application; b) producing basic and applied research to enhance business analysis, practices and policy and; c) helping meet the economic challenges facing the state and region.
Our degree programs are designed to prepare students to be successful in both private and public sector organizations throughout the state, region and nation. These organizations will be characterized by high rates of technological change, increasing levels of cultural diversity, and globalization of markets.
The college offers baccalaureate and master of business administration degrees. The objective of the baccalaureate degree is to provide students with the knowledge and analytical skills necessary to succeed in entry-level professional positions in their chosen disciplines. The program is designed to prepare students for advancement into middle and upper management positions by providing breadth of knowledge in selected functional business disciplines, training in communication skills, and a solid foundation in the sciences and liberal arts.
The objective of the master of business administration degree is to prepare students for managerial and executive positions. The college seeks to provide opportunities for specialized training and experience in targeted industries and functional areas.
Student Support
E. L.. Cord Student Success Center
The E. L. Cord Student Success Center provides a full range of support services for current and prospective College of Business students. Undergraduate advising, graduate advising, and Career Connections are housed in the E. L. Cord Student Success Center. In addition, students may access resources to support academic planning and involvement in student organizations. Visit the E. L. Cord Student Success Center in Ansari Business Building, room 409, or for more information call the center at (775) 784-4912 or visit the website at: http://www.business.unr.edu.
Office of Career Connections
The College of Business’ Office of Career Connections offers students and alumni assistance in career awareness, exploration, experiential education and employment opportunities following graduation. Students and alumni can get advice about the job search process including resumes, interviewing, networking, business etiquette and career opportunities. The center works with employers to achieve close matches between each company’s needs and student opportunities.
Career Connections assists companies in “getting the word out” about positions currently open to business majors. Job boards are located outside the college dean’s office and on the Career Connections website http://business.unr.edu/career
During the fall and spring semesters, the Office of Career Connections schedules on-campus recruiting visits and interviews as well as special events in order to provide opportunities for business student candidates and prospective employers to meet.
For further information, call (775) 784-4912 or access the Career Services website at http://www.business.unr.edu.
Centers and Institutes
Center for Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
The Center for Corporate Governance and Business Ethics was initiated in 2006. The center is a multidisciplinary entity, using a project-oriented structure to fulfill three primary purposes:
- To pursue and promote theoretical and applied interdisciplinary research on the structure and organization of corporate management to further understanding of designing and implementing optimal corporate governance mechanisms.
- To pursue an outreach function by offering training and support to local organizations concerning the design and implementation of effective governance mechanisms that provide a sound ethical foundation.
- To support, through collaboration, the integration of the various efforts related to business ethics and corporate governance teaching and research which are currently fragmented across various departments in the college.
Nevada Small Business Development Center/Center for Regional Studies/Bureau of Business and Economic Research.
Both the Nevada Small Business Development Center (NSBDC), Center for Regional Studies, and the Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) are part of the College of Business at the University of Nevada, Reno.
The NSBDC is funded through a cooperative agreement between the university and the U.S. Small Business Administration, assisting existing and new small businesses throughout the state plan their growth as well as gain knowledge to operate and development their businesses. The NSBDC has 11 full-service offices around the state and dozens of counseling locations.
The Center for Regional Studies was approved by the Board of Regents in 2007 to serve as an objective, impartial facilitator of information, outreach, and research services regarding regional development and planning; develop links and coordinate efforts between the University and external entities involved in the process of regional development; disseminate impartial and scientifically supported research on regional issues; and enhance student capacities by actively involving them in research and outreach services.
The BBER is the official research unit of the College of Business. Founded in 1956, the bureau provides a broad array of research services and consulting for local, state, and national business and government communities.
Regular SBDC and bureau publications include the Nevada Economic Summary, Starting a Small Business in Nevada, and Metro Business Activity (MBA) Report, among others.
The SBDC maintains extensive databases and other information that can be customized to serve the needs of researchers and others who need up-to-date information about the region, state or nation.
The Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming
The Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming is generally acknowledged to be the world center for gambling research and information. Its mission is to stimulate research and educational efforts related to gambling behavior and commercial gaming industries, as well as the economic, business, social and political effects of gambling on society. The institute is involved in the coordination of international conferences, sponsors the publication of books and professional journals, provides and participates in public forums for the discussion of public policy toward gambling, and aids in the development of degree and nondegree courses and programs related to gambling and commercial gaming.
The College of Business’s baccalaureate and master of business administration programs are fully accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The baccalaureate and masters programs in accounting are also separately accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The College of Business at the University of Nevada, Reno will accept upper-division courses from business schools that are fully accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Other courses will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Degree Programs
The College of Business offers the following degree programs (the college does not require a minor):
Baccalaureate Degrees: (a) bachelor of science in business administration with majors in accounting, information systems, accounting/information systems, economics, general business, finance, international business, management and marketing; (b) bachelor of arts with a major in economics.
Master’s Degrees: (a) master of business administration, (b) master of science with a major in economics, (c) master of science with a major in finance, (d) master of arts in economics, and (e) master of accountancy.
Minors: The College of Business offers undergraduate minors. Students may minor in business administration (non-business students only), accounting, information systems, economics, economic policy, entrepreneurship or gaming management. All minors are to be completed with an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher and include a minimum of nine credits upper-division (300 and above) coursework.
Requirements for Acceptance to a Major
New undergraduate applicants to the College of Business are admitted to pre-major status rather than to a specific major. Pre-major students may not enroll in College of Business courses numbered 300 or above. Students must meet with an academic advisor in the College of Business Undergraduate Advising Center to declare a business major.
The requirements for acceptance into a major field are:
- Completion of 60 credits or more with an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or higher.
- Completion of the pre-business core. The following courses comprise the pre-business core: ACC 201 , ACC 202 ; IS 101 ; ECON 102 , ECON 103 , ECON 261R , ECON 262R ; MATH 176 ; MKT 210 .
These requirements are minimum standards that all students are encouraged to surpass. Success in a major program is dependent upon a student possessing strong quantitative and English usage skills.
Requirements for Graduation in a Major
- Complete 120 credits or more (total overall credit requirement varies by major) with an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or higher.
- Complete pre-business core: ACC 201 , ACC 202 ; IS 101 ; ECON 102 , ECON 103 , ECON 261, ECON 262, MATH 176 ; MKT 210 .
NOTE: See the “Requirements for Graduation” section of this catalog for more information.
Correspondence Course Limitation
All College of Business (COB) correspondence and independent study courses approved by the COB curriculum committee can be applied toward the College of Business major and minor programs.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Degree Requirements
Basic Curriculum for All Majors
The bachelor of science in business administration degree is granted upon completion of any one of the following four-year curricula with satisfactory grades and upon the recommendation of the faculty and the dean. An economics major may elect a program leading to the bachelor of arts degree.
Deadlines for applying for graduation are set by the university and are published each semester in the class schedule.
A student may elect to graduate under the following degree requirements:
- the year of admission and registration (does not include returning students);
- the year of acceptance to the major in which the student is graduating;
- the year of graduation.
In the case of re-entry after five years, a student must use the requirements of the years of re-entry or graduation only.
Upper-Division Courses
Courses numbered 300 or above in business are open only to:
- business students who have been accepted to a major or minor.
- nonbusiness majors who have officially declared a business minor or with the approval of the instructor and department chair.
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Courses
Students in the College of Business may apply a maximum of 15 satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) credits, including College Level Examination Program (CLEP) credits toward the baccalaureate degree. Physical education and military science credits are excluded. Pre-business or major students may not register for courses in business administration or the university core curriculum on an S/U basis except for thesis or internship.
- Students may meet the foreign language requirement by completing course No. 209 or 212 in any language.
- A maximum of three (3) credits may be applied to major requirements from these courses.
- An equivalent graduate-level quantitative course may be substituted.