Donald Easton-Brooks, Dean
4107 William Raggio Building
(775) 784-4345
The College of Education, as an integral academic unit within a land grant, research institution, has a four-part mission directed at improving education for each person.
The College of Education:
- Prepares well-qualified educators, human development specialists, counselors, administrators, and other professionals to address critical community needs;
- Conducts original research and scholarship to improve the knowledge base in professional practice and policy;
- Engages with the state, local school districts, and communities through outreach and reciprocal partnerships to strengthen social, educational, and economic well-being of all Nevada citizens, including children; and
- Cultivates professionals who are culturally competent, locally relevant, and globally aware.
The College of Education is nationally prominent and recognized for its research-based programs focusing on developing and strengthening the capacity of educational personnel to inspire all learners through collaboration and innovation.
These goals are met within the college’s conceptual framework: to prepare educators who possess a love of learning, value democracy and multiculturalism, develop a strong fund of knowledge, and engage in reflective practice.
Support for students is provided through the college’s academic programs and centers, including the Advisement Center, the Center for Learning and Literacy, the Learning and Resource Center, the Office of Clinical Experiences and Assessment, the Early Learning Center (grades 1-3), the Raggio Research Center for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Education, the Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities, and the Child and Family Research Center (CFRC).
The College of Education is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities for all undergraduate and graduate programs. Initial teacher licensure programs in the college are also accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). These two accrediting bodies are recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
The College of Education offers three undergraduate degree programs:
- Bachelor of Arts in Education with teaching majors at the secondary level (7th-12th grades),
- Bachelor of Science in Education with teaching majors at the secondary level and in Integrated Elementary Teaching, and
- Bachelor of Science with a major in Human Development and Family Studies.
The Integrated Elementary Teaching Bachelor of Science in Education degree focuses on elementary education licensure coursework (K-8th grade) with students selecting an additional emphasis in one of three areas: special education, early childhood education, and English language acquisition and development. In addition, the College of Education participates as a partner in NevadaTeach, which includes a number of undergraduate dual degree programs designed to prepare teachers to work as licensed secondary teachers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The College of Education also participates as a partner in PackTeach, a dual-degree program designed to prepare teachers in non-STEM-related secondary subjects (e.g., English, History, Political Science, Spanish).
Master’s degrees are offered with majors in counseling and educational psychology, educational leadership, elementary education, secondary education, special education, literacy studies, equity and diversity in educational settings, and human development and family studies.
A Doctoral program is offered with 8 areas of emphasis. While preference is given to applicants who hold a Master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution in an area appropriately related to the chosen emphasis area, high achieving applicants who possess only a Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution will be considered. The emphasis of the prior degree area(s) should be appropriately related to the chosen emphasis area.
By law, all teaching licenses in Nevada are granted by the Nevada Department of Education. The educator preparation programs in the College of Education have been approved by the Nevada State Board of Education. Students who complete an initial licensure program offered by the College of Education, including the required internship semester of student teaching, will have completed all of the required coursework for a Nevada teaching license in their area of emphasis. Please note that other state requirements exist, including passing a background check and competency examinations.
Admission to College
Undergraduate students in educator preparation are initially admitted to the College of Education as pre-majors. Admission to the College of Education as a pre-major is not the same as admission to teacher education. Pre-majors may enroll in lower-division courses, but they may not enroll in upper-division courses until they have applied and been admitted to a teacher education program. Students apply to the major of their choice during the spring semester of their sophomore year.
The deadlines for submission of application materials are:
- March 1 for admission in the subsequent summer or fall term
- October 1 for admission in the subsequent spring semester
Secondary Education and PackTeach Majors
In order to apply for admission to a Secondary Education or Pack Teach degree program, students must have completed at least 30 credits of college coursework with a grade point average of no less than 2.75 (on a 4-point scale) and have completed EDU 202 or the equivalent with a grade of “C” (not “C-“) or better. The 30 credits must include core requirements in English, math, and the sciences. In addition, applicants must have passed the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Test (Praxis Core) or the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) in reading, writing and mathematics with a passing score established by the Nevada Department of Education.
NevadaTeach Majors
In order to apply for Advanced NevadaTeach status, students must have completed at least 30 credits of college coursework and have completed NVTC 101 or the equivalent with a grade of “C” or better. In addition, applicants must have passed the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Test (Praxis Core) or another approved test of basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics with a passing score established by the Nevada Department of Education.
Integrated Elementary Teaching Majors
In order to apply to the IIntegrated Elementary Teaching Program (IETP) , students must have completed at least 45 credits of college coursework with an overall grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4-point scale and have completed EDU 201 with a grade of C* or better. In addition, applications to the program require:
- documentation of at least 30 hours of experience working with K-8 students in an educational setting under the supervision of a licensed professional who attests to the candidate’s potential to become a highly qualified teacher;
- passing scores on all sections of the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Praxis Core) or California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST);
- a grade of C (not C-) or better in all education courses;
- a grade of C (not C-) or better in all other courses required in the IETP
Additional requirements associated with the application process can be obtained from the Student Advisement Center in the College of Education (WRB 2005). A specified number of students will be admitted into the various programs each semester, based on admission criteria and space available in the program.
Once admitted to one of the teacher education programs, students must formally re-apply if they wish to be admitted to a different teacher education program. Applications for re-admission will be considered following initial review of applications, depending upon space availability. Admission to one program does not privilege the student with respect to admission to another program.
Students already admitted to teacher education may temporarily withdraw from their teacher education program (i.e., not remain enrolled at UNR) for up to two consecutive semesters (fall/ spring, spring/fall). The requirements pertaining to the student’s original program will be honored within this time period. Students who are not enrolled for three or more consecutive semesters must re-apply to return to the program. In this case, the College of Education reserves the right to require additional courses (not in the student’s original program) based on program changes that were instituted while the student was not enrolled. Note that students returning to the university after an absence of one or more semesters are required to resubmit an application to the University through the Office of Admissions and Records.
Performance Assessment
All educator preparation programs in the College of Education (undergraduate and graduate) are performance based. The purpose of our assessment procedures is to assure that UNR program completers are educators of quality. Assessment procedures are aligned with state and national standards. Assessments occur throughout a program, but more specifically at admission to a program, at a midpoint in a program, and at program completion. For students in an educator preparation program, assessment also occurs prior to admission to the student teaching internship. Assessment criteria must be met in order to progress through a program. Details on performance assessment are available in each program’s handbook.
Undergraduate Academic Advising
2005 William Raggio Building
(775) 784-4298
The Advisement Center provides advisement for all undergraduate students in the College of Education. Program faculty provide advisement for all post-baccalaureate, Master’s, and Doctoral programs.
Academic advising helps students to realize the maximum educational benefits available to them, and to learn to use the resources of the institution to meet their specific educational needs. It is a process during which the students develop a meaningful and relevant educational plan through communication and information exchange with an academic advisor, who is knowledgeable about their educational and career goals.
Advisor Responsibilities
Advisors are expected to participate regularly in training sessions provided by the university or college so that they keep informed and current. They are expected to provide clear and relevant information to address advisees’ individual situations at the time of the advising appointment.
Advisee Responsibilities
Academic advising is a critical component of all students’ experiences in higher education. The responsibilities include:
- Being prepared with accurate information and relevant materials when contacting their advisor, which is expected at least once per year;
- Being knowledgeable about relevant policies, procedures, rules, and degree requirements of the university, college, and academic program;
- Meeting with an advisor at key times as specified by the College of Education;
- Seeking academic advisement and career information needed to meet education goals; and
- Being responsible for course scheduling, program planning, and the successful completion of graduation requirements.
Probationary Status in the College of Education
Students may be placed on probationary status if their grades or academic conduct fail to meet program requirements. All students placed on probation are required to meet with their academic advisor to develop a plan for improving their academic standing. Students will be removed from probationary status and will be informed upon approval of the faculty that program requirements are being met. If a student remains on probation after two consecutive semesters (fall/spring, spring/fall) that student may be withdrawn from the teacher education program. If a student who has been withdrawn from the teacher education program under these circumstances wishes to be re-admitted to the program, he or she must formally re-apply in accordance with stated procedures and deadlines associated with the application process for all students.
In addition, all students in educator preparation are expected to abide by professional behaviors and dispositions. Several assessments of student behaviors and dispositions will be completed throughout the program. The College of Education licensure programs reserve the right to recommend dismissal from educator preparation if student behaviors and dispositions are found to be unprofessional, following the program dismissal process outlined by the Nevada System of Higher Education Code (Title 2, Chapter 11).
Graduation Requirements
Students should apply for graduation after meeting with their advisor and determining they have met all program requirements, including official admission to the program, all required coursework, all University and core curriculum requirements, and specific program GPA requirements. Students enrolled in teacher preparation programs must meet minimum GPA requirements for their degree program in order to be eligible for graduation. All teacher preparation students must display professional behaviors and dispositions as described by their program’s performance assessment materials in order to be eligible for graduation.
Supervised Internship in Teacher Education
All teacher education program majors are expected to complete a semester of student teaching (internship) to meet graduation and Nevada state teacher licensure requirements. Students are supervised during student teaching and are assigned to lead teachers employed by a school system. Staff members of the College of Education are responsible for the supervision of interns, making regular visits to observe the student’s teaching, and holding conferences with the student and the lead teacher concerning the internship experience.
Prerequisites for Supervised Internship
Only those students who have demonstrated scholarship, dependability, a disposition appropriate for a teacher, and a commitment to the profession of education are accepted for supervised internship. The failure on the part of the student intern to meet all requirements may result in the immediate forfeiture of internship privileges.
Applicants for supervised internship must:
- Have gained admission to the teacher preparation program and have completed ALL courses required for graduation.
- Meet all course and GPA requirements for graduation.
- Obtain a Nevada Substitute Teaching License.
- Meet performance assessment criteria, including demonstration of professional behaviors and dispositions as specified in the program’s performance assessment materials.
- Be qualified in the professional judgment of the College of Education faculty.
- Admission to supervised internship is secured through the Office of Clinical Experiences and Assessment. Applications for internship are submitted the semester prior to interning according to the procedures noted on the website: www.unr.edu/education/internships-and-careers/internships/apply.