University General Course Catalog 2022-2023 
    Feb 19, 2025  

Programs and Policies that Support Individual Rights and Promote a Healthy and Safe Lifestyle

A: Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

The University of Nevada, Reno has joined other colleges and universities across the nation in encouraging the elimination of alcohol and other drug abuse on our campus and in our community. The university believes that the unlawful possession or use of drugs, including alcohol, and the abuse of alcohol and any drug by students constitutes a grave threat to their physical and mental well-being, and significantly impedes the process of learning and personal development.

We value the student’s right to make his or her own choices. As with any privilege, however, there is a responsibility. In the case of choosing to drink alcoholic beverages comes the duty of doing so in a manner that is consistent with the laws of the state and community norms, and which involves respect for the rights of others.

Substance Abuse Policy
The policy adopted by the university prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverages without authorization; use or possession of illegal and/or unauthorized drugs and drug paraphernalia; and providing alcoholic beverages to minors while on university property or at university-sponsored activities, and (2) being under the influence of a controlled substance, including alcohol, while on university property or at a university-sponsored activity and the exhibiting of offensive behavior while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances.

Substance Prevention Programs
In order to prevent and reduce alcohol-related problems, and to promote a drug-free and alcohol abuse-free campus, we have developed a comprehensive substance abuse prevention program, dedicated to the promotion of responsible and appropriate use of alcoholic beverages through a wide variety of educational activities, which are free to all participating students.

Alcohol Prevention and Education Programs, as sponsored by the Office of Student Conduct, provides outreach educational programs, including “BASICS for student groups”, and co-sponsors alcohol-free student events, activities, and social opportunities on campus and through the sponsorship of programs by student organizations.

The educational programs offered by the staff of the Office of Student Conduct support the following goals and activities for our students:

  • Identifying the values and attitudes related to drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Recognizing personal and societal motives for choosing to drink;
  • Developing appropriate decision-making skills;
  • Information regarding the physiological and psychological effects of alcohol and of its potential effects on the individual and society;
  • Pamphlets, posters, films, and other information on alcohol and other drugs for student use and distribution;
  • Programs specifically tailored to campus living groups and student organizations, including fraternity and sorority chapters and university residence halls;
  • New Student Orientation programs and classroom presentations for classes, including First Year Experience courses;

For more information or to schedule a workshop for your group, please call the Office of Student Conduct, at: 784-4388.

Treatment Programs

In addition to the above educational activities and services, the Alcohol and Drug Intervention Services counselor-educators provide services for mandated student services for: intervention, assessment, confidential counseling, and referrals for in-depth treatment for alcohol-drug abuse. A counselor-educator  may be reached for this mandated intervention programs at: 784-4388.

For all students wishing to receive treatment services, who are not mandated (making a self-referral), the university offers confidential counseling on issues involving alcohol and other drugs through Alcohol and Drug Intervention Services. Please call (775) 784-4388 and/or in person at the Clark Administration Building, Lake Level Suites.

Campus Disciplinary Sanctions
A student involved in violations of university standards of conduct related to alcohol and other drugs will be required to participate in a disciplinary intervention process which may include referral to educational programs and/or an individual needs assessment as a condition of continued association with the institution.

The following disciplinary sanctions are presented as guidelines, indicating the range and the progression of sanctions—from educational programs through expulsion. These sanctions are applied on a case-by-case basis, depending on the specific nature of the student’s alcohol and drug violation. Each student’s case is evaluated in terms of that student’s level of risk posed (health/danger to self and others) by his or her substance abuse.

Alcohol and Other Drugs

For violations of campus policy related to possession or use of alcohol or an illegal drug, the student will participate in an educational intervention program, including one of the following programs: BASICS, CASICS, STEPSS, and OnTRAC Student Drug Court. Each of these programs has been designed utilizing the guidelines of best practices for student development evidence-based research for treatment with the aid of a Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselor. An overview of these programs is, as follows:

BASICS- Brief Alcohol Screening Intervention for College Students

An educational program designed to assist mild to moderate alcohol abusers and/or policy violators in correcting behavior through enforcement and instruction.

CASICS – Cannabis Screening Intervention for College Students

An educational program designed to assist first-time student violations of our University substance abuse policy for possession/use of marijuana in correcting the student’s behavior through enforcement and instruction.

STEPSS- Substance Abuse Treatment & Educational Programs for Student Success

A program that combines education and treatment approaches and addresses student decision-making and life skills. This program is designed for students having a second alcohol violation and for students involved in a first time substance abuse violation for illegal drugs.

OnTRAC Student Drug Court- Treatment, Responsibility, Accountability on Campus

A comprehensive drug court style of educational and treatment program, designed for students in need of a highly structured intervention plan, due to the student’s serious level of dependency on alcohol or illegal drugs, and/or the student’s repeated drug and alcohol violations. This is an individualized program that combines treatment with student academic success strategies, and involves alcohol and other drug randomized testing throughout the student’s participation in the program.

Eligibility for these programs is limited to those individuals enrolled at the University of Nevada, Reno, who are involved in substance-related misconduct and referred by the Office of Student Conduct and Residential Life, or self-referral by the student himself/herself. We have actively encouraged students involved in the criminal process to seek referrals to these programs from the court, when applicable to the resolution in court.

In addition to education and treatment interventions, the student may be sanctioned with the following activities and disciplinary sanctions:

  1. Drug and/or alcohol assessment
  2. Residence hall and/or campus disciplinary probation
  3. Residence hall license cancellation
  4. Community Service or research project
  5. Disciplinary Suspension
  6. University Expulsion

For violations involving sale of illegal drugs, the student’s housing and student status at the university will be reviewed, and one or more of the following sanctions will be invoked:

  1. Residence halls license cancellation
  2. Disciplinary Suspension
  3. University Expulsion

Legal Standards
In addition to university student conduct standards, a student will be subjected to all local, state, and federal laws related to substance abuse or the possession/use of alcohol. The following state laws apply to any student conduct on or off campus. In these instances, the student is being regarded as a resident of the state of Nevada.

NRS 202.020
Purchase, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverage by a minor: Any person under 21 years of age who, for any reason, possesses any alcoholic beverage in public is guilty of a misdemeanor.

NRS 202.040
False representation by a minor to obtain intoxicating liquor. Every minor who shall falsely represent him/herself to be 21 years of age in order to obtain any intoxicating liquor shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

NRS 202.055

Sale or furnishing of alcoholic beverage to a minor: aiding a minor to purchase or procure alcoholic beverage. Every person who knowingly sells, gives, or otherwise furnishes an alcoholic beverage to any person under 21 years of age…is guilty of a misdemeanor.

NRS 205.460

Preparation, transfer, or use of false identification regarding persons under 21 years of age; (1) Every person who counterfeits, forges, alters, erases, or obliterates, or…(2) Every person under the age of 21 years who uses or attempts to use or proffers any counterfeited, forged, erased or obliterated card, writing paper, document, or any photocopy print, photostat, or other replica thereof…for the purpose and with the intention of purchasing alcoholic liquor or being served alcoholic liquor…or entering gambling establishments… shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Legal Sanctions
Legal action provides for sanctions ranging from the imposition of fines to incarceration. Legal sanctions are governed by the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). Such penalties result from the referral of an alcohol or other drug violation which comes to the attention of the University Police Department, and is referred to the District Attorney’s Office. Legal action may take place concurrently with campus disciplinary action.

Policy on Parental Notification for Violations of Alcohol Regulations
The university may notify the parents or legal guardians of students under the age of 21 who have violated any federal, state, or local law, or any rule or policy of the institution, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.

Campus Safety and Crime Statistics

Student safety at the University of Nevada, Reno is of utmost importance. We are committed to providing you with the information, services and programs that will help you to be a knowledgeable participant in basic crime prevention practices. No amount of police, lighting or electronic security measures can ensure your safety. The ultimate responsibility for your safety rests with you. Please take advantage of the services and programs available to you. Use common sense and precautions for your safety on and off campus. Report incidents and cooperate with investigations when an issue of safety is involved.

How to Report a Crime

When reporting an emergency, crime or suspicious activity at the university, follow these steps:

  • Dial 911
  • Give your name and location (state specifically that you are at the university)
  • Briefly describe the activity you are reporting
  • Request medical attention, if needed
  • Remain calm and speak slowly
  • Stay on the phone until the dispatcher ends the phone call

If possible include:

  • Description of person(s) and/or motor vehicle involved
  • Location or direction of travel of suspect(s)
  • Presence of weapons

For non-emergency situation:

Suggestions for Personal Safety

Portions of this section on personal protection were compiled by the police department as a service to the university community. It outlines safety measures that are directed toward students and university personnel in the workplace, at home and while traveling.

This information has two purposes: it presents measures to help minimize the risk of physical attack, and it is intended to improve individual awareness of the possibility of attack.

We hope that the combination of “before-the-fact” awareness and the list of suggested preventative actions will reduce the risks that university students and staff may encounter.

Automobile Travel

The following measures will reduce risks:

  • It is generally recommended that doors be kept locked and windows be closed during automobile travel. When not in use, vehicles should be kept in a locked garage or other area not readily accessible. Locking gas caps are recommended, and gas tanks should never be less than half full. When returning to an auto that has been parked in a vulnerable area, a walkaround check of hood latch (secure?), exhaust tail pipe (obstruction?) and back seat (person hiding?) is recommended.
  • Be aware of people loitering nearby when parking or returning to a parked car. Avoid narrow, lonely streets when driving. Stay on main routes. Do not follow vehicles closely. Drive at a steady speed. If you are being followed, try not to be overtaken or forced off the road. Take a known detour. Be alert for suspicious vehicles both ahead of and behind you.
  • A flat tire is a danger signal. If possible, stop the vehicle in a safe place off the road.


  • Keep a strict check on house keys.
  • No one should duplicate house keys without permission.
  • If a key is lost under suspicious circumstances, change locks.
  • Do not hide keys in obvious hiding places. All adult members of the household should have their own key.

Security While Walking

In order to reduce risks associated with frequent commuting to and from places of business and other locations:

  • Routes and schedules (both times and days) should be changed regularly.
  • Traveling alone at late hours on a regular basis should be avoided.
  • Travel should be routed along well-populated and lighted public pathways.
  • Be cautious in responding to routine requests from strangers, e.g., requests for the time, directions, a match, change, etc.

Travel Arrangements

Always advise a family member, friend or work colleague of travel plans, including destination and expected time of departure and arrival.

These guidelines are intended to provide an awareness of basic measures to reduce the potential of attacks and to cope with threats of unstable people. They are also intended to make university personnel more aware of the basic precautions to minimize the risks of becoming a victim.

Residential Security

Residential security measures can be effective only if all household members have developed security awareness. The object of security awareness should not be to instill fear or apprehension, but to make household members alert to suspicious activities or occurrences. Security awareness can counter threats to individual and family safety. General guidelines recommended to enhance family security follow:

  • Lock all doors and windows even when you are going to be out for only a short while.
  • A stranger should never be allowed to enter a residence. Demand positive identification before permitting entry of any unknown person. Use peepholes in doors or other methods of observation prior to opening doors. Service or utility personnel should be properly identified prior to entry. If in doubt, do not permit entry. Call the local police.
  • Keep garage doors closed and locked except during entry and exit of vehicles. Automatic garage door openers reduce the time that you will be exposed to a threat.
  • Have local police, emergency and fire department telephone numbers readily available.
  • Identify a telephone near the residence for alternate use in an emergency. All members of a household should be familiar with the telephone’s location and the circumstances under which it should be used.
  • Household members should communicate their itineraries and schedule changes within the family unit as soon as possible. Household members should know each other’s whereabouts at all times. Investigate deviations in a timely manner. In order to prevent unnecessary anxiety, notify some member of the household when schedule changes occur.
  • Report to local police the existence of any individuals who do not have an apparent reason for being in a residential area, especially if they appear to be observing a residence or following household family members. When making a report, note unfamiliar bicycle riders, disabled vehicles, people making surveys and other unusual activities.