Mar 10, 2025
Noncollegiate Learning Experiences
Military Credit
Military applicants for admission must submit the following documentation to the Office of Admissions and Records:
- An Official military transcript (Joint Services Transcript or Community College of the Air Force), and
- Either:
- a DD-214 (Report of Separation), or
- a DD-295 (Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences During Military Service) for active duty personnel.
A list of military credit is available on the course equivalency website. Select either American Council on Education or Community College of the Air Force from the institution list to see previously evaluated military credit.
Credit will be awarded according to the following guidelines:
- Coursework recommended for academic college credit at the lower- or upper-division level by the American Council on Education (ACE) will be considered for transfer provided that the coursework is applicable to the student’s degree program at UNR.
- Honorably discharged veterans will be granted physical education credit. A maximum of four semester credits will be awarded.
Students may appeal the initial evaluation of transfer credit done in the Office of Admissions and Records by meeting with a faculty advisor in their degree program. If the appeal is successful, the advisor will submit a College/Major Exception/Substitution form for processing in the Office of Admissions and Records. If the student disagrees with the faculty reviewer’s evaluation of a course, the student may appeal to the chair of the department in which the faculty member resides. The chair’s decision is final.
Please note that military credit is not considered “resident credit” nor is it considered credit from a four year institution.
Contact Chai Glenn-Cook, Assistant Director of Veterans Services, at (775) 682-5935 or veteranservices@unr.edu for further information.
Other Non-Collegiate Learning Experiences
UNR does not directly award credit for the following:
- Credit awarded by post-secondary institutions for life experience.
- Credit awarded by post-secondary institutions for non-credit courses, workshops and seminars offered by other post-secondary institutions as part of continuing education programs.
- Credit awarded for courses taken at non-collegiate institutions (e.g., governmental agencies, corporations, industrial firms, etc.) unless otherwise stated above.
However, credit for these types of learning experiences may be earned by special departmental examination.