University General Course Catalog 2014-2015 
    Sep 23, 2024  

8. Course Descriptions

Note: Sequencing rules in effect for many Math courses prohibit students from earning credit for a lower numbered Math course after receiving credit for a higher numbered Math course. Sequencing rules are included in the course descriptions of applicable courses.



  • BIOL 453 - Immunology

    (3 units)
    Organization, development, and regulation of the immune system, antibody structure and function, cellular and humoral effector mechanisms in immunity, and immunologic mechanisms in disease. (Formerly BIOL 460 R/660 R; implemented Spring 2006.)

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 300  ; BIOL 315  .

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 456 - Molecular Basis of Epigenetics

    (3 units)
    Survey of the molecular basis of epigenetic events on chromatin fibers and nuclear functions (transcriptions, DNA replication, repair) in development and cancer.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 315.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 479 - Techniques in Neuroscience Laboratory

    (2 units)
    A combination of guided exercises and student-designed projects will provide training in techniques to study neural mechanisms underlying development and behavior.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 475  ; PSY 403  or PSY 403  or PSY 416  .

    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 2
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:
    1. Students will be able to present and evaluate alternative technical approaches to neuroscience research, especially regarding commonly employed experimental techniques.
    2. Students will be able to perform experimental techniques in a laboratory setting, including: fluorescent microscopy, extracellular electrophysiology, and behavioral analysis in invertebrates and humans.
    3. Students will be able to record all data and present for evaluation: organized records and reports containing experimental protocol, results, and data analysis.
    4. Students will be able to show competency in experimental research including record keeping, by designing, executing, and presenting a short research project.
    5. Students will be able to describe data analysis for electroencephalography techniques.

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  • BIOL 481 - Principles of Animal Behavior

    (3 units)
    Review of field and laboratory studies on the determinants and mechanisms of animal behavior to establish relations between behavior of similar and different species.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior status or above AND two courses in biology OR one course in biology and one course in psychology.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 484 - Population and Community Ecology

    (4 units)
    Growth and regulation of populations, interactions among populations, structure and function of communities. (Formerly BIOL 485 R/685 R; implemented Spring 2005.)

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 314 .

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Offered Every Fall - Even Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 490 - Biogeography

    (3 units)
    Brief treatment of plant and animal evolution. Prehistoric, historic and present-day world-wide distribution of plant formations and associated animal life. Examples of human impact on biotic life such as domestications, transfers and extinctions. (Formerly BIOL 434/634; implemented Spring 2006.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 492 - Research

    (3 units)
    Directed research course for biology majors under the guidance of a faculty member. Design and conduct original research leading to the presentation of a paper.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 494 - Seminar

    (1 unit)
    Selected research topics of current interest. Maximum of 2 credits. (Formerly BIOL 495/695; implemented Spring 2005.)

    Prerequisite(s): Senior status or permission of the instructor.

    Units of Lecture: 1
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 601 - Biology Journal Seminar

    (1 unit)
    Survey of periodical literature of biology. Oral and written reports by the student will give experience in searching and interpreting literature. Maximum of 6 credits.

    Units of Lecture: 1
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 604 - Population Genetics

    (3 units)
    Genetics of populations and mechanisms of evolution. Includes equilibrium conditions and forces altering gene frequencies and polygenic and quantitative inheritance.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall - Odd Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 605 - Molecular Biology

    (3 units)
    Molecular structures and mechanisms involved in the storage, transmission and utilization of genetic information in simple and complex organisms; principles of recombinant DNA methodology.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 606 - Molecular Biology Laboratory

    (3 units)
    Selected experiments illustrating methodology in molecular biological techniques and in the analysis and enzymatic manipulation of DNA.

    Units of Lecture: 1
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 2
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 620 - Aquatic Ecology

    (3 units)
    Biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of aquatic environments with particular emphasis on ecological processes.

    Units of Lecture: 2
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Offered Every Spring - Even Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 621 - Conservation Biology

    (3 units)
    Theory and application or scientific principles to the preservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of natural resources. Local and global issues are addressed.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 629 - Biological Diversity

    (3 units)
    Survey of biological diversity at taxonomic, species, and ecosystem levels, emphasizing historical and current patterns, phylogenetic relationships, and current conservation challenges.

    Units of Lecture: 2
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 631 - Ichthyology

    (2 units)
    Systematics, ecology and biology of fishes. (Formerly BIOL 372; implemented Spring 2006.)

    Units of Lecture: 2
    Offered Every Spring - Odd Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:
    1. Students will be able to explain how evolution of fish is related to genetic variation and morphological adaptations to specific environments.
    2. Students will be able to categorize fish using taxonomic tools.
    3. Students will be able to identify fish in their natural habitat.
    4. Students will be able to explain the connection between fish behavior, life cycle, and evolution with ecology and conservation.
    5. Students will be able to write a research proposal on an in-depth exploration of the literature focused on a specific aspect of Ichthyology.
    6. Students will be able to to create and present a lecture on an in-depth exploration of the literature focused on an aspect of Ichthyology.

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  • BIOL 632 - Herpetology

    (4 units)
    Origins, evolution, taxonomy, biogeography, morphology, physiology, behavior and ecology of amphibians and reptiles. Laboratory emphasizes Great Basin herpetofauna-identification, experiments and field studies. (Formerly BIOL 375; implemented Spring 2006.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Offered Every Spring - Even Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 634 - Mammalogy

    (4 units)
    Origins, evolution, taxonomy, biogeography, morphology, physiology, behavior, and ecology of mammals. Laboratory includes identification, experiments, and field studies. (Formerly BIOL 378; implemented Spring 2006.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 637 - Entomology

    (3 units)
    Origins, evolution, taxonomy, biogeography, morphology, physiology, behavior, and ecology of insects. Laboratory includes identification, experiments, and field study. (Formerly BIOL 370; implemented Spring 2006.)

    Units of Lecture: 2
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Offered Every Spring - Odd Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 653 - Immunology

    (3 units)
    Organization, development, and regulation of the immune system, antibody structure and function, cellular and humoral effector mechanisms in immunity, and immunologic mechanisms in disease. (Formerly BIOL 460 R/660 R; implemented Spring 2006.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 654 - Genomic Conflict, Epigenetics & Human Disease

    (3 units)
    Survey of agents of genomic conflict and non-Mendelian genetic mechanisms, with emphasis on their implications for phenotypic disruption and human disease.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 656 - Molecular Basis of Epigenetics

    (3 units)
    Survey of the molecular basis of epigenetic events on chromatin fibers and nuclear functions (transcriptions, DNA replication, repair) in development and cancer.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 677 - Genes, Brain, and Behavior

    (3 units)
    Combining behavioral sciences and genetics to study the role of genes and environmental factors involved in a variety of complex behaviors of humans and animals.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 684 - Population and Community Ecology

    (4 units)
    Growth and regulation of populations, interactions among populations, structure and function of communities. (Formerly BIOL 485 R/685 R; implemented Spring 2005.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Offered Every Fall - Even Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 690 - Biogeography

    (3 units)
    Brief treatment of plant and animal evolution. Prehistoric, historic and present-day world-wide distribution of plant formations and associated animal life. Examples of human impact on biotic life such as domestications, transfers and extinctions. (Formerly BIOL 434/634; implemented Spring 2006.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 705 - Current Topics in Cell and Molecular Biology

    (2 to 3 units)
    Review and analysis of recent literature on selected topics concerning the molecular basis of cell structure and function. Maximum of 9 credits.

    Offered Every Spring - Even Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 712 - Ecological Modeling

    (3 units)
    Introduction to various mathematical tools used in modeling ecological phenomena, discussion of models in ecological literature, development of a simulation model as a project.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring - Odd Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 721 - Molecular Ecology I: Theory and Applications

    (2 units)
    Reading and discussion of primary literature in molecular genetic methods and their application to studies in ecology and evolution.

    Units of Lecture: 2
    Offered Every Fall - Odd Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 722 - Molecular Ecology II: Techniques and Analyses

    (2 units)
    Use and interpretation of molecular genetic methods and their application to studies in ecology and evolution.

    Units of Lecture: 1
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Offered Every Spring - Even Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 750 - Research Design in Ecology

    (4 units)
    Principles of research methods, including experimental design, for ecology-related fields. Discussion of statistical issues; development of research proposals.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 794 - Colloquia

    (1 unit)
    Presentation of original research by visiting scientists, NSHE faculty, and graduate students completing masters and doctoral degrees. Maximum of 2 credits for masters or 4 credits for Ph.D.

    Units of Lecture: 1
    Offered Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 795 - Comprehensive Examination

    (1 to 3 units S/U Only)
    Course is used by graduate programs to administer comprehensive examinations either as an end of program comprehensive examination or as a qualifying examination for doctoral candidates prior to being advanced to candidacy.

    Offered Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BIOL 899 - Graduate Advisement

    (1 to 4 units)
    Provides access to faculty for continued consultation and advisement. No grade is filed and credits may not be applied to any degree requirements. Limited to 8 credits (2 semester) enrollment. For non-thesis master’s degree students only.

    Offered Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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Biomedical Engineering

  • BME 401 - Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

    (3 units)
    Overview of biomedical engineering. Application of advanced engineering and scientific techniques to problems in medicine and biology. Required of all BME majors.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BME 426 - Biomedical Instrumentation

    (3 units)
    Principles of modem electronic design including microcomputer applications, transducer technology, digital design, interface design, biomedical information systems.

    Prerequisite(s): EE 320 ; EE 362 .

    Units of Lecture: 2
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BME 601 - Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

    (3 units)
    Overview of biomedical engineering. Application of advanced engineering and scientific techniques to problems in medicine and biology. Required of all BME majors.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BME 626 - Biomedical Instrumentation

    (3 units)
    Principles of modem electronic design including microcomputer applications, transducer technology, digital design, interface design, biomedical information systems.

    Units of Lecture: 2
    Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BME 725 - Ethics and Scientific Research

    (2 units)
    A student-led forum in which ethical issues associated with the conduct of scientific research are considered in detail. Limited to students seeking Master’s or Ph.D’s.

    Units of Lecture: 2
    Offered Every Fall - Even Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BME 780 - Research Proposal Preparation

    (3 units)
    Preparation of a research grant proposal on dissertation topic or any other BME research topic using a format defined by a major national funding agency.

    Units of Independent Study: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BME 795 - Comprehensive Examination

    (1 unit)
    Course is used by graduate programs to administer comprehensive examinations either as an end of program comprehensive examination or as a qualifying examination for doctoral candidates prior to being advanced to candidacy.

    Units of Independent Study: 1
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BME 899 - Graduate Advisement

    (1 to 4 units)
    Provides access to faculty for continued consultation and advisement. No grade is filed and credits may not be applied to any degree requirements. Limited to 8 credits (2 semester) enrollment. For non-thesis master’s degree students only.

    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BUS 300 - Introduction to Finance

    (3 units)
    Overview of finance for non-business majors. Topics from the three main areas of finance: markets and institutions, investments, and managerial finance.

    Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): ACC 202 ; ECON 100 , and must be declared into a business major or minor.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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