University General Course Catalog 2014-2015 
    Sep 23, 2024  

8. Course Descriptions

Note: Sequencing rules in effect for many Math courses prohibit students from earning credit for a lower numbered Math course after receiving credit for a higher numbered Math course. Sequencing rules are included in the course descriptions of applicable courses.




Business Administration

  • BADM 700 - Statistics for Decision Making

    (3 units)
    Statistical inference and hypothesis testing; multivariate regression and analysis of variance; emphasis on applied methods, changing technology and computer applications.

    Prerequisite(s): Must be a degree seeking student in a business graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 701 - Production / Operations Mangmt

    (3 units)
    Problems of manufacturing goods and services; production applications of linear programming, scheduling, quality control and materials management; CAD, CAM, multi-cultural and international issues.

    Prerequisite(s): BADM 700 .

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 710 - Financial Reporting and Analysis

    (3 units)
    Examination of accounting and disclosure techniques and their impact on external financial reporting. Preparation, analysis and interpretation of financial reports.

    Prerequisite(s): Must be a degree seeking student in a business graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 711 - Seminar In Managerial Accounting

    (3 units)
    Provides a fundamental understanding of accounting techniques used to operate an organization, and is designed as an introductory managerial accounting course for MBA students.

    Prerequisite(s): BADM 710  or equivalent.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 720 - Management and Organizational Science

    (3 units)
    Individual and group behavior in organizations, and organizational design and communication strategies. Interaction of structural, technological and human resource components. International focus emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): Must be a degree seeking student in a business graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 726 - Personal Branding

    (3 units)
    Personal branding builds content and conversation around your professional value using principles of permission and inbound marketing and social media platforms as tools.

    Prerequisite(s): Must be a degree seeking student in a business graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 727 - Seminar in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

    (3 units)
    Focus on ethical and social responsibility issues using a stakeholders’ perspective and ethical decision-making model to develop diagnostic, critical thinking, and intervention skills.

    Prerequisite(s): Must be a degree seeking student in a business graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 728 - Managing Organizations in a Global Economy

    (3 units)
    Assessment of cost, benefits and risks of operating in specific countries. Emphasis on recognizing, respecting, and responding to cultural differences.

    Prerequisite(s): Admittance to MBA program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 729 - Seminar in Management Issues

    (3 units)
    Selected topics in management, both national and international. Maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA core and admittance into Business Administration, Accountancy, or Finance graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 730 - Economics of the Firm

    (3 units)
    Economic analysis of the business firm, particularly with respect to price, output and technological choice; the effect of diversity on domestic and international policy on business firm behavior.

    Prerequisite(s): Must be a degree seeking student in a business graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring and Summer
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 740 - Financial and Monetary Economics

    (3 units)
    Analytical and policy perspectives on money and the financial system, financial regulatory and supervision regimes, central bank policy and international finance.

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and for MBA students, completion of MBA core.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 741 - Financial Management

    (3 units)
    Capital budgeting, capital structure and dividend policy decisions, valuation, cost of capital, working capital management, financial analysis and planning for corporations in the global financial environment. Computer use required.

    Prerequisite(s): BADM 700 ; BADM 710 .

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 742 - Research Methods of Finance

    (3 units)
    Application of mathematical problem solving/statistical analysis to financial decision making and evaluation processes. Topics: regression models, univariate calculus, probability theory/distributions, and portfolio modeling.

    Prerequisite(s): Admittance to Business Administration, Accountancy, or Finance graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 743 - Investment Management

    (3 units)
    Survey of fundamental investment principles and techniques used by individuals and institutions. Considers asset allocation, risk analysis and security validation.

    Prerequisite(s): Admittance to Business Administration, Accountancy, or Finance graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 744 - Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management

    (3 units)
    Comprehensive analysis of the practice of evaluating securities and the process of combining the securities into portfolios.

    Prerequisite(s): Admittance to Business Administration, Accountancy, or Finance graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 746 - Corporate Treasury Management

    (3 units)
    Theoretical principles and application tools of short-term asset/liability management. Topics include: impact of the regulatory system, cash collection and float, and international considerations.

    Prerequisite(s): BADM 741 .

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 748 - Real Estate Finance

    (3 units)
    Survey of real estate investment, ownership interests, appraisal and valuation, finance, market and project analysis, and other phases of the real estate investment management process.

    Prerequisite(s): BADM 741  and admittance to Business Administration, Accountancy, or Finance graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 750 - Information and Communications Technology in Organizations

    (3 units)
    Overview of strategic value creation through ICT; managing end-user involvement in ICT including requirements specification, change management and process reengineering; systems development process and outsourcing.

    Prerequisite(s): Admittance to Business Administration, Accountancy, or Finance graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 760 - Marketing Management

    (3 units)
    Analyses and decision-making procedures in market measurement, product development, pricing, promotion and distribution. Environmental factors, including cultural diversity at domestic and global levels.

    Prerequisite(s): Must be a degree seeking student in a business graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 769 - Seminar in Marketing Issues

    (3 units)
    Selected topics in marketing with national and international emphasis. Maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisite(s): BADM 760 ; admittance to Business Administration, Accountancy, or Finance graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 772 - Changing Environments of Business

    (3 units)
    Legal, ethical, cultural, economic, political and global environment. Approaches to continual monitoring and managing complex interactions between business and its changing environments.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA Core.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 779 - Seminar in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    (3 units)
    Selected topics in the theory, principles and practice of logistics and supply chain management. Maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA Core.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 780 - Business and Public Policy

    (3 units)
    Relationship of public policy both nationally and internationally to business organizations. Development, current status and future outlook of specific public policy issues are considered.

    Prerequisite(s): Admittance to Business Administration, Accountancy, or Finance graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 781 - Strategic Mgmt For Exec

    (3 units)
    Strategy and policy in the business enterprise. Strategic management process and systematic analysis of complex organization-wide issues faced by general management. Case studies, both national and international.

    Prerequisite(s): MBA Core.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 792 - Internship

    (1 to 3 units)
    Internship with business firms and organizations, providing students with practical experience and applied problem solving. Maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA core.

    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 793 - Independent Study

    (3 units)
    Research in selected topics conducted under faculty supervision. Maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisite(s): Must be a degree seeking student in a business graduate program.

    Units of Independent Study: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 794 - Value Creation and Measurement

    (3 units)
    Identifying and measuring value in the corporate environment and the study of strategies useful in the development of enterprise value.

    Prerequisite(s): Admitted to graduate major in Business.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • BADM 899 - Graduate Advisement

    (1 to 4 units)
    Provides access to faculty for continued consultation and advisement. No grade is filed and credits may not be applied to any degree requirements. Limited to 8 credits (2 semester) enrollment. For non-thesis master’s degree students only.

    Prerequisite(s): Must be a degree seeking student in a business graduate program.

    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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Career and Technical Education

  • EDCT 230 - Introduction to Career & Technical Education

    (3 units)
    Organization and management of vocational classes, laboratories, shops, work experiences, etc., youth groups and advisory committees. (Formerly CI 230; implemented Fall 2003.) (Formerly CTL 230; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 447 - Curriculum Development in Career & Technical Education

    (3 units)
    Research and curriculum studies dealing with content and procedures of the vocational, technical and industrial education program. (Formerly CI 447/647; implemented Fall 2003.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 459 - Practicum in Career & Technical Education

    (1 to 3 units S/U Only)
    Coordinated work-study programs in industry or government. Written progress reports are prepared periodically. Maximum of 6 credits. (Formerly CI 459; implemented Fall 2003.) (Formerly CTL 459; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 465E - Teaching in Career & Technical Education

    (3 units)
    Methods and materials in area of specialty: Technology education. (Formerly CI 425/625; implemented Spring 2003.) (Formerly CTL 465/665; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Prerequisite(s): EDSC 321 .

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 467E - Occupational Development in Business and Industry

    (1 to 6 units)
    Involvement to increase competence in Industrial technologies. Maximum of 6 credits for educators; 28 credits for industry technicians. (Formerly CI 427/627; implemented Spring 2003.) (Formerly CTL 467/667; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 471 - Career & Technical Student Organizations

    (3 units)
    Organizing and advising the activities and programs of the student organizations associated with various vocational programs. (Formerly CI 461/661; implemented Fall 2003.) (Formerly CTL 471/671; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 484 - Workshop in Career & Technical Education

    (1 to 6 units)
    Modern developments in vocational and technical education programs; local vocational education and administration and supervision, agriculture, home economics, trades and industries, business and office occupations, health occupations, technical occupations, marketing and distributive occupations and vocational guidance. Maximum of 6 credits. (Formerly CI 484/684; implemented Fall 2003.) (Formerly CTL 484/684; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 490 - Cooperative Career & Technical Programs

    (3 units)
    Role of cooperative vocational programs, organization, and implementation. (Formerly CI 497/697; implemented Fall 2003.) (Formerly CTL 497/697; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 647 - Curriculum Development in Career & Technical Education

    (3 units)
    Research and curriculum studies dealing with content and procedures of the vocational, technical and industrial education program. (Formerly CI 447/647; implemented Fall 2003.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 665E - Teaching in Career & Technical Education

    (3 units)
    Methods and materials in area of specialty: Technology education. (Formerly CI 425/625; implemented Spring 2003.) (Formerly CTL 465/665; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Prerequisite(s): Accepted into a degree seeking graduate program.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 667E - Occupational Development in Business and Industry

    (1 to 6 units)
    Involvement to increase competence in Industrial technologies. Maximum of 6 credits for educators; 28 credits for industry technicians. (Formerly CI 427/627; implemented Spring 2003.) (Formerly CTL 467/667; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 671 - Career & Technical Student Organizations

    (3 units)
    Organizing and advising the activities and programs of the student organizations associated with various vocational programs. (Formerly CI 461/661; implemented Fall 2003.) (Formerly CTL 471/671; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 684 - Workshop in Career & Technical Education

    (1 to 6 units)
    Modern developments in vocational and technical education programs; local vocational education and administration and supervision, agriculture, home economics, trades and industries, business and office occupations, health occupations, technical occupations, marketing and distributive occupations and vocational guidance. Maximum of 6 credits. (Formerly CI 484/684; implemented Fall 2003.) (Formerly CTL 484/684; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 690 - Cooperative Career & Technical Programs

    (3 units)
    Role of cooperative vocational programs, organization, and implementation. (Formerly CI 497/697; implemented Fall 2003.) (Formerly CTL 497/697; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • EDCT 774 - Seminar in Career & Technical Education

    (3 units)
    Analysis of the topic and vocational, technical, and industrial education pertaining to curriculum, methodology or evaluation. Maximum of 6 credits. (Formerly CI 774; implemented Fall 2003.) (Formerly CTL 774; implemented Fall 2007.)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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Cell and Molecular Biology

  • CMB 620M - Clinical Human Genetics

    (0 units)
    Formal lectures, problem solving and laboratory experiments. Application of molecular, clinical and cytogenetics to the diagnosis of genetic disease. (Medical School curriculum does not assign credit values for this course.)

    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • CMB 795 - Comprehensive Exam

    (1 unit)
    Course is used by graduate programs to administer comprehensive examinations either as end of program comprehensive examinations or as qualifying examinations for doctoral candidates prior to being advanced to candidacy.

    Units of Independent Study: 1
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • CMB 899 - Graduate Advisement

    (1 to 4 units)
    Provides access to faculty for continued consultation and advisement. No grade is filed and credits may not be applied to any degree requirements. Limited to 8 credits (2 semester) enrollment. For non-thesis master’s degree students only.

    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology

  • CMPP 740 - Neuroeffector Pharmacology

    (3 units)
    Basic topics in neurotransmission including neuromuscular pharmacology and autonomic pharmacology. Methods and current problems applied to the study of neuroeffector systems including nerves and muscles.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall - Odd Years
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • CMPP 795 - Comprehensive Examination

    (1 unit)
    Course is used by graduate programs to administer comprehensive examinations either as an end of program comprehensive examination or as a qualifying examination for doctoral candidates prior to being advanced to candidacy.

    Units of Independent Study: 1
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT)

  • CAS 154 - Problems of Substance Abuse and Addiction

    (3 units)
    Overview of how involvement with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs can affect health, personal and social development. Related social, philosophical, cultural, prevention and treatment issues. (Formerly HCS 154; implemented Fall 2009)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • CAS 254 - Signs and Symptoms of Addiction

    (3 units)
    Theories and models of alcohol and other drug addiction with emphasis on the signs and symptoms of problematic use and abuse. (Formerly HCS 254; implemented Fall 2009)

    Prerequisite(s): CAS 154 .

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • CAS 255 - Substance Abuse Prevention

    (3 units)
    A basic overview of substance abuse prevention with emphasis on scientifically defensible substance abuse prevention research and practices. (Formerly HCS 255; implementation Fall 2009)

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • CAS 256 - Substance Abuse Across Diverse Populations

    (3 units)
    Reviews and unique variables of onset, prevention, treatment and recovery of addiction within diverse populations, focusing on application of culturally sensitive social intervention strategies.

    Prerequisite(s): CAS 154 .

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall and Spring
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:

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  • CAS 257 - Fundamentals of Behavioral Health

    (3 units)
    An overview of wellness dimensions, peer support specialists’ ethics, patient advocacy, and systems of care navigation for the mental health and substance abuse services provider.

    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered Every Fall
    Student Learning Outcomes (if available):
    Upon completion of this course:
    1. Students will be able to recite all of the major behavioral health conditions in accordance with the DSM V and identify with 80% accuracy occurrence (associated with age), course of disorder, and prevalence rates associated with each condition.
    2. Students will be able to recognize the differences between wellness theories/practices and how each affects mental health and substance abuse conditions by creating a Personal Wellness Assessment I.
    3. Students will be able to apply two of the wellness theories/practices in the development of a Personal Wellness Assessment II.
    4. Students will be able to recite all tenets of the change theory model and its relevance to behavioral health during small group classroom activities.
    5. Students will be able to identify two historical facts, five tenets of the role of peer support specialists, and two research-based outcomes for chronic diseases through small group discussions in class.
    6. Students will be able to comprehend the ethical codes and scope of practice issues for peer support specialists by writing a brief essay describing an ethical issue for peer support specialists.
    7. Students will be able to construct a presentation on complementary and alternative medicine strategies to demonstrate knowledge regarding new strategies for intervening with and providing support for individuals with behavioral health issues.
    8. Students will be able to prepare a resource document that applies knowledge regarding systems of care and insurance for a variety of patient needs as part of a group project.

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