SPAN 312 - Spanish Phonetics and Phonology (3 units) Introduction to Spanish phonetic theory and phonology with extensive practice on syllabification, transcription, production and a review of the Spanish spelling system and accent marks.
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 211 or SPAN 226
Units of Lecture: 3 Offered Every Spring and Summer Student Learning Outcomes (if available): Upon completion of this course: 1. Students will be able to reduce and preferably eliminate the American accent in spoken Spanish, through verbal dialogues with your professor and fellow students. 2. Students will be able to describe the sounds of Spanish based upon an understanding of how Spanish is articulated verbally. 3. Students will be able to describe in writing, and verbally, the phonemes and allophones of Spanish. 4. Students will be able to explain when called upon, the basic Spanish syllabic structure and the Spanish stress system. 5. Students will be able to produce a graphic representation of Spanish sounds using phonetic symbols. 6. Students will be able to transcribe Spanish words or sentences using phonetic symbols. 7. Students will be able to articulate in writing your understanding of significant dialectical variants of the Spanish language.
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