Mar 10, 2025
BIOL 688 - Behavioral Ecology (3 units) The relationships between animal behavior, ecology and evolution.
Grading Basis: Graded Units of Lecture: 3 Offered: Every Fall
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. demonstrate ability to read and understand primary research literature in the field of Behavioral Ecology during weekly quizzes throughout the semester. 2. demonstrate knowledge of the main concepts in Behavioral Ecology, the ability to interpret data, to relate data to conceptual hypotheses and to critically evaluate the data in relation to existing hypotheses during two in-class exams – the midterm and the final. 3. identify and focus on specific conceptual questions, search and read primary literature related to these conceptual questions and critically evaluate empirical data related to conceptual hypotheses, all of which will be presented as a written paper at the end of the class. 4. demonstrate their grasp of specific chosen topics in Behavioral Ecology by presenting their written project, including topic overview and critical evaluation of published literature in an oral presentation before the entire class at the end of the semester. 5. synthesize orally or in writing as assessed by a presentation and/or written report significance of current topic as presented in this course.
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