Feb 18, 2025
CRJ 675 - Women and the Criminal Justice System (3 units) Explores the changing roles of women in the criminal justice system from three perspectives, that of the offender, victim and practitioner/policy maker.
Grading Basis: Graded Units of Lecture: 3 Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. demonstrate constant self-reflection as required to be an effective criminal justice philosopher/practitioner amidst American diversity in race, ethnicity, gender and class and display such thought and critical analysis in discussion and a variety of course assignments. 2. demonstrate knowledge of current research on gender in criminal justice and issues particularly important to women in considering the impacts and effects of gender and race in criminal justice. 3. demonstrate integration and synthesis of knowledge, ideas, and approaches, reaching beyond traditional or orthodox approaches and perspectives, to issues regarding the roles and experiences of women as practitioners, offenders, and victims in the criminal justice system. 4. formulate research ideas and plans on assigned topics in the course and complete an advanced research proposal, project, or series of shorter assignments.
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