Feb 19, 2025
WMST 453 - Gender and Society (3 units) CO10, CO13 Analysis of gender identity and gender structure from various theoretical perspectives, including social-psychological and structural. Focus on the relationship between gender, culture and social structure. (SOC 453 and WMST 453 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Prerequisite(s): General Education courses (CO1-CO3) completed; at least 3 courses from CO4-CO8 completed; Junior or Senior standing; SOC 101 .
Grading Basis: Graded Units of Lecture: 3 Offered: Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. analyze and interpret information about social rules and political and social biases in their own society that affect the experiences of marginalized and centered groups. 2. describe and investigate social issues related to gender diversity and equity using a sociological lens. 3. describe how sex and gender are socially constructed categories by exploring what gives them meaning, how the categories are maintained or transformed, and how they are related to concerns of equity. 4. analyze and articulate how sex and gender are distinct from and intersect with other major axes of social identity and life, such as class, race, and sexuality in relation to your own life experiences and the experiences of non-dominant or marginalized groups within the U.S. 5. apply theoretical perspectives from previous courses in sociology, women’s studies and other fields to the complexities of race, class and gender inequality. 6. critically examine how one’s location within intersecting social forces impacts one’s worldview and relationships in personal and institutional settings. 7. effectively communicate verbally and in writing their mastery of the theoretical and methodological debates in the area of Gender Studies.
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