Feb 05, 2025
ENV 290 - Internship in Environmental Studies (1 to 3 units) Apply knowledge to real on-the-job situations in a program designed by a company/agency/non-profit official and a faculty advisor to maximize learning.
Maximum units a student may earn: 3
Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Units of Internship/Practicum: X Offered: Every Summer
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. discuss and apply the knowledge, skills and techniques learned specific to the internship. 2. identify and further explore career opportunities in natural resources and environmental science fields and develop an understanding of the necessary academic preparation. 3. demonstrate ability to collaborate on team projects with other interns and agency/site supervisors and develop and display an understanding of appropriate professional behavior. 4. reflect on their internship experience and communicate to others the impact the internship has had on their future academic and career-related goals.
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