Mar 12, 2025
SOC 423 - Sociology of the Body (3 units) CO10 Study of bodies from a sociological perspective learning that bodies are as social as they are biological. How bodies are intertwined with identities and multiple axes of oppression including our race, class, ability, sex, gender, and sexuality. How ideologies about bodies shape our opportunities and constrain our lives. (GRI 423 and SOC 423 are cross-listed; credits may be earned in one of the two.)
Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 ; Junior or Senior standing.
Grading Basis: Graded Units of Lecture: 3 Offered: Every Spring - Odd Years
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. articulate ways in which social identities such as race, class, and gender intersect with embodiment in order to influence individual life experiences and/or perspectives. 2. analyze and interpret information about cultural differences, cultural rules, and cultural biases regarding the body and/or embodiment in their own society or about marginalized groups. 3. articulate an awareness of some of the central historical and present diversity issues, including embodiment as it intersects with race, gender, class and/or other identities.
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