Jan 25, 2025
MUS 300 - Continuation Exam (0 units) Comprehensive exam covering the final two semesters of theory and sight-singing; written theory and oral ear-training.
Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Offered: Every Spring
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. sight-sing melodies including modulations to distantly-related keys. 2. sight-sing rhythmic examples featuring irregular beat divisions, asymmetrical groupings and polyrhythms and/or in asymmetrical or mixed meters. 3. sight-sing the various parts of a Bach chorale moving from one voice to another without keyboard assistance. 4. sing and identify all intervals within the octave, all 7th chords/triads and all of the church modes plus the chromatic, whole tone and pentatonic scales.
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