Mar 06, 2025
ENG 737 - Teaching College Composition (1 to 3 units) Theory and practice in the teaching of English in college, particularly the first-year course. Maximum of 4 credits.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to graduate standing in the department of English.
Offered Every Fall Student Learning Outcomes (if available): Upon completion of this course: 1. Students will be able to explain and apply a range of theories about how people learn to write in academic settings. 2. Students will be able to describe, evaluate, and apply theories and research relevant to the teaching of first-year composition. 3. Students will be able to develop and implement in their classroom practice curriculum-appropriate strategies to help college students improve their writing, reading, and thinking. 4. Students will be able to discuss and apply strategies for effective formative evaluation and equitable summative assessment of student writing. 5. Students will be able to discuss and implement effective classroom management techniques. 6. Students will be able to develop an effective course rationale, assignment sequence, syllabus, lesson plans, and other pedagogical materials for a first-year composition course.
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