Mar 14, 2025
Secondary Education - Health Education, B.A. in Ed.
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The Secondary Education Program is committed to preparing teachers who are able to meet the challenges of today’s classrooms. The teacher education faculty provides an educational program that enables students to: develop a strong foundation of knowledge about teaching and learning; display a love of learning; value democracy and pluralism; and engage in reflective practice about ones growth as a teacher. To accomplish this, the program offers students: A strong liberal arts education with emphasis in the particular academic discipline in which the student will be teaching; background in the foundations of secondary education; methods for instruction in the academic disciplines; background in educational psychology and human development; methods for educating culturally diverse and special needs populations; methods for effective use of technology in instructional settings; and experience teaching in public schools. Admission Requirements
In order to apply for admission to the Secondary Teacher Education program, students must have completed at least 30 credits of college coursework with a grade point average of no less than 2.75 (on a 4-point scale) and have completed EDU 202 or the equivalent with a grade of “C” (not “C-“) or better. The 30 credits must include core requirements in English, math, and the sciences. In addition, applicants must have passed all three parts of Praxis I Core Tests in reading , writing, and mathematics with a satisfactory score, established by the Nevada State Department of Education or the California Basic Education Skills Test (CBEST). Graduation Requirements
Total Units | 120 | Cumulative GPA | 2.75 | University GPA | 2.0 | College of Education GPA | 2.75 | Major GPA | 2.5 | Residency Requirement | 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR | Major Residency Requirement | 15 Upper-Division Units in the major at UNR | Upper-Division Requirement | 40 Upper-Division Units | Half Program Units/4 Year Institution | 60 Units | I. University Core Curriculum Requirements (36-39 units)
NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy”. A. English (3-6 units)
Refer to the “English” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. NOTE: Student who place in ENG 102 are not required to complete ENG 101 . C. Natural Sciences (6 units)
D. Social Sciences (3 units)
E. Fine Arts (3 units)
Refer to the “Fine Arts” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. F. Core Humanities (9 units)
Refer to the “Core Humanities” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. II. Additional College Requirements (6-8 units)
A. Foreign Language (6-8 units)
Two semesters of foreign language at any level (may include a culture class). III. Major Requirements (57-60 units)
A. Education Course Requirements (27 units)
B. Teaching Major Requirements (30-33 units)
IV. Minor Requirements (0 units)
V. Electives (6-12 units)
VI. Supervised Internship (9 units)
VII. Recommended Schedule
Fall Semester (15-16 units)
Spring Semester (15-16 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
Fall Semester (16-18 units)
Spring Semester (12 units)
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