Jan 25, 2025
Courses Verified for CO14
Include the following:
- ABNR 415 - Science Partners: Theory, Practice, Learning (3 units) CO14
- AGSC 410 - Sheep Management (3 units) CO14
- AGSC 416 - Internship (1 to 3 units) CO14
- AGSC 418 - Beef Cattle Management (3 Units) CO14
- ANTH 438 - Ethnographic Field Methods (4 units) CO14
- ANTH 446 - Archaeological Methods (3 units) CO14
- ANTH 493 - Analytical Methods and Research Design in Anthropology (3 units) CO14
- AST 497 - Astronomy Senior Thesis (3 units) CO13, CO14
- ATMS 497 - Senior Thesis (3 units) CO13, CO14
- BCH 408 - Senior Thesis II (3 units) CO14
- BIOL 394 - Laboratory in Ecology and Population Biology (2 units) CO14
- BIOL 395 - Laboratory in Genetics and Cell Biology (2 units) CO9, CO14
- BIOL 492 - Research (3 units) CO14
- BIOL 495 - Peer Leadership in Biology (1 unit) CO14
- BIOL 497 - Senior Thesis II (3 units) CO14
- BIOT 447 - Research (2 to 4 units) CO14
- CEE 427 - Capstone Design Project (3 units) CO12, CO14
- CHE 482 - Design Project (3 units) CO14
- CHEM 423 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory (3 units) CO14
- CHEM 435 - Chemical Synthesis (3 units) CO14
- CHEM 444 - Organic Structure Determination Laboratory (1 to 2 units) CO14
- CHEM 495 - Senior Thesis in Chemistry I (3 units) CO13, CO14
- CHS 494 - Field Studies in Public Health (3 units) CO14
- COM 405 - Intercollegiate Debate and Forensics VII (2 units) CO14
- COM 406 - Intercollegiate Debate and Forensics VIII (2 units) CO14
- COM 454 - Alternate Dispute Resolution (3 units) CO14
- COM 468 - Facilitating Difficult Discussions (3 units) CO13, CO14
- CRJ 301 - Research Methods in Criminal Justice (3 units) CO14
- CS 426 - Senior Projects in Computer Science (3 units) CO14
- DAN 388 - Choreography III: Principles of Composition (3 units) CO14
- ECE 493 - Supervised Internship in Early Childhood Education (1 to 12 units) CO14
- ECON 420 - Economics of Health Care and Health Policy (3 units) CO14
- EDEL 483 - Elementary Supervised Teaching Internship (1 to 12 units) CO14
- EDSC 483 - Secondary Supervised Teaching Internship (1 to 12 units) CO14
- EDUC 435 - STEM Education Outreach Experience (1 to 3 units) CO14
- EE 491 - Engineering Design/Analysis (4 units) CO12, CO14
- ENG 499B - Senior Research Project in Literature (3 units) CO14
- ENGR 435 - STEM Education Outreach Experience (1 to 3 units) CO14
- GE 487 - Geological Engineering Design (4 units) CO9, CO14
- GEOG 418 - Geographic Thought (3 units) CO12, CO14
- GEOL 451 - Summer Field Geology (3 to 6 units) CO13, CO14
- GPH 492 - Applied Geophysics (4 units) CO13, CO14
- HDFS 470 - Preprofessional Internship (2 to 8 units) CO14
- HIST 464 - Europe: 1914-Present (3 units) CO11, CO14
- HIST 499 - Senior Seminar in History (3 units) CO14
- HON 491 - Honors Thesis II (3 units) CO14
- HON 495 - Honors Internship (1 to 3 units) CO14
- IS 495 - IS Development and Management (3 units) CO14
- JOUR 499 - Professional Internship (1 to 3 units) CO14
- MATH 420 - Mathematical Modeling (3 units) CO13, CO14
- ME 452 - Design Synthesis (4 units) CO12, CO14
- MET 482 - Metallurgical Design (3 units) CO14
- MGT 496 - Strategic Management and Policy (3 units) CO12, CO13, CO14
- MICR 483 - Infectious Diseases (3 units) CO11, CO14
- MINE 418 - Mine Feasibility (3 units) CO14
- MSE 482 - Design Project (3 units) CO14
- NRES 405 - Silviculture and Regional Silviculture (5 units) CO14
- NRES 482 - Small Watershed Hydrology (4 units) CO14
- NRES 488 - Dynamics and Management of Wildlife Populations (3 units) CO14
- NRES 498 - Rangeland Restoration Ecology (3 units) CO13, CO14
- NS 375 - Advanced Undergrad Research (1 to 3 units) CO14
- NS 479 - Techniques in Neuroscience Laboratory (2 units) CO14
- NURS 438 - Community and Population Health: Practice (4 units) CO14
- NURS 454 - Human Care Nursing II: Practicum (5 units) CO14
- NUTR 471 - Applied Community Nutrition (1 unit) CO14
- NUTR 485 - Nutrition Research and Contemporary Issues (3 units) CO12, CO13, CO14
- NVTC 492 - Apprentice Teaching B (7 units) CO14
- PHIL 457 - Political Philosophy (3 units) CO12, CO14
- PHYS 497 - Senior Thesis (3 units) CO14
- PSC 409A - Political Philosophy (3 units) CO12, CO14
- PSY 301 - Experimental Psychology (4 units) CO9, CO14
- PSY 375 - Advanced Undergrad Research (1 to 3 units) CO14
- PSY 475 - Research Thesis (3 units) CO14
- SCI 415 - Science Partners: Theory, Practice, Learning (3 units) CO14
- SCI 435 - STEM Education Outreach Experience (1 to 3 units) CO14
- SOC 425 - Research Methods (3 units) CO14
- SPA 370 - Methods of Clinical Management (3 units) CO14
- SPA 421 - Communication and Aging (3 units) CO14
- SPAN 400 - Practicum in Spanish in the Community (3 units) CO14
- SRJS 492 - Internship (3 units) CO14
- SW 480 - Field Experience in Social Work I (6 units) CO14
- THTR 401 - Costume Design (3 units) CO14
- THTR 402 - Scenic Design (3 units) CO14
- THTR 403 - Lighting Design (3 units) CO14
- THTR 454 - Directing Lab (3 units) CO14
- WMST 450 - Feminist Theory and Methods (3 units) CO10, CO14
- WMST 452 - Senior Thesis II (3 units) CO14
- WMST 498 - WMST Internship (3 to 6 units) CO14