Journalism, M.A.
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Earning a master’s degree at the Reynolds School requires an intense 18-month commitment to thinking and learning about interactive journalism. The program is designed for journalists who want to deepen their understanding of how journalism contributes to democracy, learn how to apply digital media skills to journalistic endeavors and create new forms of interactive journalism.
Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
We expect students who complete our program to have the ability to adapt to new ways of thinking about journalism and communication. They should be equipped to work in a wide variety of careers, both in journalism and strategic communication, based on their knowledge of networked communication principles, user-centered design, social media, multimedia storytelling and entrepreneurial thinking. Admission Requirements
Those interested in the program should submit an application and all supporting credentials by March 15 for fall admission. Applications are considered once a year based on a selective admissions evaluation. However, we will review early applications between December 15 and March 15 upon request and exceptional candidates may be accepted for early admission. Application is available from the Graduate School web site: You must create an account before completing the application. The Graduate School must also receive: - One of official transcript from all universities attended.
- International students whose native language is not English must also provide scores on the TOEFL exam.
- Recent GRE scores required for applicants who have not previously earned a graduate degree from a regionally accredited or otherwise recognized institution.
- Letter of intent explaining why you want to pursue graduate work in this program, what you hope to gain from participating, the assets you bring to the program and how you plan to use the degree after graduation.
- Three letters of reference from employers, former professors or deans, or others familiar with your work or otherwise able to assess your likelihood of success in graduate study.
- Professional work samples, if available. These could include published articles or photographs, or other examples of your professional experience.
The Reynolds School of Journalism graduate admissions committee will evaluate all candidates based on their success in undergraduate studies, their professional accomplishments, statement of intent, letters of reference and potential for contributing to a robust and well-balanced cohort. A. Maintaining Progress
Students are expected to maintain satisfactory progress toward the degree. A student’s graduate record begins when the student is granted graduate standing. Students must complete all requirements within three semesters of beginning the program or submit an application for an exception to the graduate faculty. B. Thesis, Professional Project, or Portfolio
Each student must complete a thesis (6 HRS), a professional project (3 HRS), or A portfolio (1 HR) based on professional work conducted while in the master’s degree program. Students who elect to create the professional portfolio must register for a 1-unit portfolio defense and an additional 2 or 3-unit elective. The topic of the thesis, or the professional project, and its form, will be developed by the student and a graduate faculty advisor, with the intent that the work be of value to the discipline and practice of journalism. The advisory committee must consist of three or more members of the graduate faculty, one being from a school of college outside the Reynolds School of Journalism. The chair must be a member of the Reynolds School of Journalism graduate faculty. Once approved by the dean of the Graduate School, advisory committee members can be changed only with the Graduate School dean’s approval. A consultative meeting of the student and the advisory committee must be held to discuss revisions of and refinements to a thesis, a paper or a project proposal. All members of the committee must approve the proposal in writing before the student can begin formally working on the work. The student must work closely with the committee, and particularly the committee chair, throughout the process. C. Oral Defense
Upon completion of the thesis, professional project, or portfolio, the master’s candidate prepares an oral defense of the work. It is evaluated as a measure of the student’s conceptual and journalistic abilities. The student schedules the defense, with the consent of the committee, prior to the last day of the program. All members of the committee must have adequate time to read the thesis, or view the project or portfolio before the oral examination. Students should make certain their Program of Study form is filed with the Graduate School by mid-semester prior to completing the program and that the Notice of Completion is filed after successful completion of the oral defense. The committee advisor decides whether final corrections (after the defense) have been made properly and checks the style and form of the final thesis, project, or portfolio. D. Required Courses
To qualify for the master of arts degree with a major in journalism, a student must satisfy the following academic requirements: E. Electives
The following is a list of commonly chosen coursework. Students typically find electives both within and outside the School of Journalism. Coursework should be determined in conjunction with an advisor and approved by the graduate program director. II. Program Total Hours (30 units)
- INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: The Reynolds School of Journalism welcomes applications from international students, believing that mutual benefit is derived when students from other countries are in the program. The school also recognizes that journalism, more than many other fields, requires language skill. International students must be able to follow rapid speech both in the field and the classroom, as well as to deal with abstract ideas communicated in English. Completion of the master’s degree in journalism attests to the student’s proficiency in English. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of international students whose native language is not English. Applicants must meet the minimum TOEFL score required by the Graduate School.
- GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS: Graduate assistantships are available through the Reynolds School of Journalism. Graduate assistants may teach or assist with research. They may work in the journalism school on Web site development as well as other emerging digital technologies. Graduate assistants receive stipends for one academic year. Stipends are accompanied by grants-in-aid covering most tuition. Applications for graduate assistantships are available from the director of graduate studies. Students applying for assistantships should file their applications with the Reynolds School of Journalism by March 15. Assistantships are awarded only to students who are officially admitted to graduate standing. Assistantships begin in the fall semester.
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