Computer Science and Engineering, Ph.D.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno offers an in-depth, cutting-edge curriculum for those graduate students seeking the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Engineering. Doctoral students are given the opportunity to focus on a specific area in computer science and engineering by taking advanced courses and becoming significantly involved in many aspects of original research, advancing scientific knowledge in their field of specialization.
Contact Information
David Feil-Seifer, Ph.D., Graduate Program Director Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering (775) 784-6469 http://cse/ University of Nevada, Reno Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mail Stop 0171 1664 North Virginia Street Reno, NV 89557-0330 Graduate Handbook Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
- An ability to apply computer science and engineering research and theory to advance the art, science, and practice of the discipline.
- An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze, interpret, apply, and disseminate the data.
- An understanding of research methodology.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to the doctoral degree program should have a bachelor’s degree in engineering, mathematics, or science and have minimum experience that includes the equivalent of a Computer Science and Engineering minor. Applicants should further meet the following minimum criteria and the materials for admission: - A minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.25 if the applicant does not have an M.S. degree or a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 if the applicant has an M.S. degree.
- A minimum GRE Quantitative score of 158.
- A minimum TOEFL score of 80 or IELTS score of 6.5 for international applicants.
- A one-page personal statement describing research interests and career goals. Candidates are expected to clearly indicate their research interests as well as the faculty members they are interested in working with.
- Three letters of recommendation.
Admission decisions are competitive, and satisfaction of the above thresholds does not guarantee an admission. Exceptions to these criteria may be made for applicants who show exceptional promise. Admission fee-waiver: Domestic students that have a minimum GRE quantitative score of 165 and international students that additionally have a minimum TOEFL score of 102 or IELTS score of 7.5 are eligible to have their application fee paid by the College of Engineering. Complete information and instructions are available on the fee-waiver program for highly qualified Ph.D. applicants page. I. Program Requirements
Doctoral students are required to complete 72 units of coursework beyond their bachelor’s degree. Of this coursework, the Graduate School requires that 700-level courses must account for 30 units, while 24 units will be earned through their dissertation work. If a student has completed a Master’s degree, then a total of 24 units can be transferred (with grades “B” or better) from the Master’s degree to the Ph.D. degree. Out of these 24 units, a maximum of 18 units can be from 700-level courses. 75% of the non-dissertation coursework (i.e., 36 out of 48 non-dissertation units) must be in Computer Science and Engineering, i.e., must be credits with CS or CPE codes. Furthermore, doctoral students must complete 3 credits of Graduate Seminar, which requires attendance of department colloquia. These 3 credits of count towards the requirement for 30 credits of 700-level coursework. Two independent studies are allowed at the Ph.D. level. A. Core Requirement
Students must complete the following courses with a grade of “B” or better, if they have not already done so at undergraduate or graduate level: B. Breadth Requirement
Ph.D. students must complete one course from each of the following areas with a grade of “B” or better. Most recent list of courses offered in each area can be found in the department website. - Cybersecurity and Network Systems
- Data and Software Systems
- Intelligent and Autonomous Systems
C. Advanced Coursework
Coursework should be selected in consultation with the student’s advisor and dissertation committee. - At least 24 units of coursework must be taken at the 700-level in addition to:
- At least 9 units of 700-level courses (excluding CS 792 - Graduate Seminar , CS 793 A-Z - Independent Study, CPE 795 - Comprehensive Examination ) must be taken from the CSE department.
- 36 units of coursework (excluding CPE 799 - Dissertation ) must be in Computer Science and Engineering, i.e., must be courses with CS or CPE codes.
D. Publication Requirement
Ph.D. students are expected to publish their work in at least two high quality peer-reviewed conference proceedings or journals as first author by the time of their dissertation defense. E. Declaration of Advisor
The students must find an advisor and submit the Declaration of Advisor form to Graduate School by the end of their second semester in the program. F. Dissertation Committee
The dissertation committee should be formed within a year of admission to the Ph.D. program. The students will work closely with their dissertation committee to develop a program of study that suits their goals and interests. The committee will also play a key role in guiding the student’s progress through comprehensive exams and dissertation. G. Comprehensive Exams (3 units)
Before students can become Ph.D. candidates, they must pass the comprehensive exam by enrolling in CPE 795 . The comprehensive exam must be taken as soon as the student has completed regular coursework in order to be admitted into candidacy. The exam must be taken at least one semester before the dissertation defense. The exam has two components as detailed below: 1. Written Requirement
The students are required to submit a report covering the following to the dissertation committee: - Research proposal describing goals, methodology and research plan;
- A thorough review of the literature for the research area; and
- A description of work in progress.
2. Oral Requirement
The students are required to deliver a colloquium covering the written component and answer questions from the dissertation committee. The dissertation committee will decide whether the student passes/fails the written and oral portions of the comprehensive exam. Students can take the exam up to two times. H. Dissertation (24 units)
The students’ dissertation must represent an original and independent research contribution to scientific knowledge. The dissertation should reflect both the ability to select an important problem for investigation and the mastery of research techniques. The dissertation must be successfully defended in front of the dissertation committee. II. Program Total Hours (72 units)
- 30 units of 700 level courses (including CS 792 - Graduate Seminar and CPE 795 - Comprehensive Exam)
- 18 units of 600/700 level courses
- 24 units of CPE 799 – Dissertation
III. Recommended Schedule
This schedule is merely a suggestion and can vary depending on your advisor and course availability, etc. First Year
First Semester - 600/700 level courses (9 units)
Second semester - 600/700 level courses (9 units)
Second Year
Third semester - 600/700 level courses (9 units)
Fourth semester - 600/700 level courses (9 units)
Third Year
Fifth semester Sixth semester Fourth Year
Seventh semester Eighth semester Undergraduate Requirements
Students who are accepted into the graduate program are expected to meet requirements for a bachelor’s degree in engineering, mathematics, or science and have minimum experience that includes the equivalent of the computer science and engineering minor. The department will consider applications from students lacking this background if they show exceptional promise. |