Feb 16, 2025
History, B.A.
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The history major teaches students research, analytical, writing, and presentation skills that can be applied to any career. Programs in the History Department offer the student understanding in the scholarly discipline of history through the expansion of historical knowledge, the comprehension of historiography, and the practice of critical inquiry. Framing the questions that define particular scholarly debates underlies critical analysis of primary and secondary sources. Students gain exposure to these questions in course work and demonstrate their familiarity with them in discussions, written work, and presentations. Through the department’s skills-based curriculum, history majors learn how to think and write like historians. History faculty teach students to think contextually, analyze historical documents, and become better researchers and writers. The Department offers majors and minors in history with options for emphasis in United States, Latin American, European, Eastern European, African and Asian History.
Transfer to the University of Nevada, Reno
Use the transfer agreement and the degree planner (available by clicking at the top right of this page) to build your plan for graduation with your advisor. Course substitutions not identified on the transfer agreement require UNR advisor approval. If a major-to-major transfer agreement is not available for your transfer institution, please check the General Core agreement if available. If neither is available, access established transfer course equivalencies via Transferology to assist in your planning. Graduation Requirements
- Total Units | 120
- Cumulative GPA | 2.0
- University GPA | 2.0
- Major GPA | 2.0
- Residency Requirement | 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR
- Major Residency Requirement | 15 Upper-Division Units in the major at UNR
- Upper-Division Requirement | 42 Upper-Division Units
I. Core General Education Requirements (24-27 units)
NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy .” Students must meet all Core Objectives (CO1 through CO14). Courses satisfying Core Objectives are designated (e.g., CO9) in General Catalog curricula and course description. A. Composition & Communication; Critical Analysis & Use of Information (3-6 units) - CO1, CO3
B. Quantitative Reasoning (3 units minimum) - CO2
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO2 courses . C. Physical & Natural Phenomena (6 units minimum) - CO4, CO4L
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO4/CO4L courses . D. Cultures, Societies, & Individuals (3 units) - CO6
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO6 courses . E. Artistic Composition, Interpretation, & Expression (3 units) - CO7
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO7 courses . F. History & Culture; Constitution (6 units) - CO5, CO8
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. II. Additional Core Requirements (12 units maximum)
Students must take courses that satisfy the following Core Objectives. All of these Core Objectives may be satisfied in the Major Requirements (Section IV). Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter.
A. Science, Technology & Society - CO9
The following CO9 courses meet Major Requirements and are recommended:
B. Diversity & Equity - CO10
The following CO10 courses meet Major Requirements and are recommended:
C. Global Context - CO11
The following CO11 courses meet Major Requirements and are recommended:
D. Ethics - CO12
The following CO12 courses meet Major Requirements and are recommended:
E. Capstone Integration & Synthesis - CO13
The following CO13 courses meet Major Requirements and are recommended:
F. Application - CO14
Choose one (units counted in the Major Requirement):
III. Additional College Requirements (6-20 units)
Units may vary depending on initial course placement in foreign language coursework. A. World Language Requirement (0-14 units)
Students seeking this bachelor’s degree must demonstrate proficiency in a world language other than English equal to a fourth semester course level through one of the following options: - complete a fourth semester college course in a world language other than English;
- demonstrate proficiency through a means determined by the Department of World Languages and Literatures including but not limited to minimum standardized test scores (CBAPE, SAT II, or IB), attaining a minimum aptitude on an accredited world language assessment test, or providing transcript evidence of a high school or equivalent diploma in which English was not the language of instruction; or,
- participate in a study abroad language program pre-approved by the Department of World Languages and Literatures to meet the world language requirement.
Note: Four years of high school world language instruction does not automatically satisfy this requirement. B. College Breadth Requirement (6 units)
Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree in the college shall be required to take, within the College of Liberal Arts, 6 units that are outside the departments in which they major or minor, and that exclude courses taken to fulfill the Core General Education requirements (Core Objectives 1 through 8). IV. Major Requirements (36 units)
- Majors in History must complete at least eighteen units in the field of history within the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE).
- Twenty-four units (which include HIST 300 OR HIST 300A and HIST Capstone (CO13) OR HIST 499A OR HIST 499B) must be at the 300 - 400 level.
- Majors must earn a grade of “C” or better in HIST 300 OR HIST 300A.
- Only 100-level correspondence, continuing education or distance education courses will be accepted in fulfillment of major or minor requirements.
A. Introduction to the major/field (3 units)
Recommended for the first-year, Spring semester. Majors must earn a grade of “C” or better.
B. Survey courses (6 units)
Choose any two of the following: C. Research Methods (3 units)
Majors must earn a grade of “C” or better in one of the following: D. History Electives (21 units)
Group 1. Non-U.S. and Non-European History (at least 6 units)
Any HIST course with a primary focus outside of the US or Europe can count toward this requirement.
Group 2. Courses of Your Choice
Any HIST course can count toward this requirement.
E. Senior Experience (3 units)
V. Minor Requirements (18-21 units)
The History Department accepts any minor approved by the College of Liberal Arts. VI. Elective (4-36 units)
VII. Recommended Schedule
Fall Semester (16 units)
- Prerequisite Core English (3 units) *
- Quantitative Reasoning (3 units) CO2*
- Foreign Language 111 (4 units)
- Cultures, Societies, & Individuals (3 units) CO6
- Major Survey Course (3 units)
Spring Semester (16-17 units)
Fall Semester (15-16 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
- 300-400 Level Major Elective (3 units)
- 300-400 Level Non-US/Non-European Elective (3 units)
- 300-400 Level Minor (3 units)
- 300-400 Level College Breadth Requirement (3 units)
- Global Contexts (3 units) CO11
Fall Semester (12-15 units)
Spring Semester (12 units)
- 300-400 Level Major Electives (6 units)
- 300-400 Level Minor (3 units)
- Minor (3 units)
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