Jan 13, 2025
Latinx Studies, Minor
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Latinx Studies is an 18 unit interdisciplinary minor housed within the Gender, Race, and Identity Department. Focused on the peoples, cultures, knowledges, and communities of Latin American descent in the United States, the minor emphasizes the diverse cultural and historical contributions of those communities and examines the variety of Latinx cultures that exist both in the United States and transnationally. The Latinx experience is considered within the context of historical and contemporary political realities that have shaped and are shaping issues ranging from immigration and citizenship, health care, education, law and justice, gender and sexuality, and other topics. Knowledge of Spanish is not required for this program; however, interested students may choose to use Spanish courses to fulfill some program requirements with prior advisor approval.
I. Program Requirements (18 units)
- Minor GPA | 2. 0
- Minor Upper-Division Units | 9
- Minor Residency Requirement | 6 Upper-Division Units in the minor at UNR
- Unit Limits| Per College of Liberal Arts policy, no more than 9 units counted toward any major may be reused to meet the requirements of this minor.
B. Core II (3 units)
Choose one of the following OR a Latinx-focused Capstone Integration & Synthesis CO13 course with prior advisor approval.
C. Electives (9 units)
- 6 units must be in 300-400 level courses;
- 6-9 units must be from the Latinx Focused list or 300-400 level Core II courses not used above, and
- up to 3 units may be from the list of Contextual courses.
Latinx Focused (6-9 units)
These courses consider Latinx experiences both in the United States and transnationally in historical and contemporary contexts. Note that in addition to the courses listed, GRI 491, GRI 498 and GRI 499 may apply to Group 1 Electives with advisor approval and when designed to focus on Latinx experiences.
- ANTH 401A - Contemporary Latin American Society (3 units) CO10
- ANTH 470 - Gender and Migration: Women, Men, and Global Movement (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ART 375 - Art and Architecture of the Ancient Americas (3 units) CO11
- ART 482 - Art of Mexico (3 units) CO10, CO13
- COM 348 - Latina/o/x Communication Studies (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ENG 496D - Contemporary Latinx Literature (3 units) CO10
- GEOG 476 - Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO11
- GRI 375 - Afro-Latinx Communities in the U.S. (3 units) CO10, CO11
OR - SOC 375 - Afro-Latinx Communities in the U.S. (3 units) CO10, CO11
- GRI 348 - Latina/o/x Communication Studies (3 units) CO10, CO11
- GRI 422 - Music of the African Diaspora (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
OR - MUS 422 - Music of the African Diaspora (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- GRI 478 - Latina Feminisms (3 units) CO10, CO13
- GRI 496D - Contemporary Latinx Literature (3 units) CO10
- HIST 227 - Introduction to Latin American History and Culture I (3 units)
- HIST 228 - Introduction to Latin American History and Culture II (3 units) CO6
- HIST 214 - Latina/o/x History (3 units) CO10
- HIST 344 - Andean Ethnohistory (3 units) CO10
- HIST 346 - History of Cuba (3 units) CO11
- HIST 347 - History of Mexico (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 439 - Religion and Society in Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 439A - The Aztecs (3 units)
- HIST 439B - Inquisition in Europe and Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 439C - Slavery and Race in Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 440A - The Cuban Revolution (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
- JOUR 306 - Latinas/os Through The Eyes of The Media (3 units) CO10
- JOUR 465 - Noticiero Movil (3 units)
- PSC 407E - Political Systems of Latin America (3 units)
- SPAN 313 - Spanish in the U.S. (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SPAN 323 - Chicano/U.S. Latino Culture (3 units) CO10
- SPAN 357 - Masterworks of Chicano/U.S. Latino Literature (3 units) CO10
- WMST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 470 - Gender and Migration: Women, Men, and Global Movement (3 units) CO10, CO11
Contextual (0-3 units)
These courses consider Latinx experiences in relation to a broader course of study. Students are encouraged to focus on Latinx topics in their research or other final projects for these courses.
- ANTH 410 - Topics in Gender and Culture (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ANTH 418 - Global/Local Inequalities (3 units) CO11, CO14
OR - GRI 418 - Global/Local Inequalities (3 units) CO11, CO14
- ANTH 411C - Peoples and Cultures of the Amazon (3 units) CO11
- COM 275 - Racism, Colonialism, and Communication (3 units) CO10
- CRJ 380 - Diversity and Multiculturalism in Community Policing (3 units) CO10
- CRJ 381 - Diversity and Multiculturalism in Criminal Justice (3 units) CO10
- ENG 345 - U.S. Writers of Color (3 units) CO10
- ENG 416B - Language and Gender (3 units) CO10
- ENG 435 - Global Cinema (3 units) CO11
- ENG 494A - Native American Literature (3 units)
- ETS 150 - Race in Contemporary Life (3 units) CO10
- ETS 251 - Theories of Race and Ethnicity (3 units) CO6, CO10
- ETS 280 - Native American Identities and Culture (3 units) CO10
- ETS 307 - Topics in Race and Racism (3 units) CO10
- GRI 257 - Social Movements of Gender, Race, and Identity (3 units) CO10, CO12
- GRI 345 - U.S. Writers of Color (3 units) CO10
- GRI 379 - Ethnic and Race Relations (3 units) CO10, CO13
OR - SOC 379 - Ethnic and Race Relations (3 units) CO10, CO13
- GRI 428 - Indigenous Feminisms (3 units) CO10
- GRI 460 - Intersectionality and Social Justice (3 units) CO10, CO14
- GRI 490 - Class, Race and Gender (3 units) CO10
OR - SOC 490 - Class, Race and Gender (3 units) CO10
- GRI 491 - Special Topics (3 units)
- HDFS 232 - Diversity in Children (3 units)
- HDFS 438 - Children and Families in a Multi-Ethnic Society (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HGPS 421 - Concepts in Peace Studies and Nonviolence (3 units) CO13
- HIST 312 - The Expansion of The United States (3 units) CO10
- JOUR 481 - Race, Gender and Media (3 units) CO10
- MUS 421 - Gender and Ethnicity in American Music (3 units) CO10, CO13, CO14
- MUS 431 - Exploring World Music (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PORT 321 - Luso-Brazilian Culture & Civilization (3 units)
- PSC 353 - Identity Politics in the United States (3 units) CO10
- PSC 405H - International Human Rights (3 units) CO12
- SOC 345 - Social Movements and Collective Behavior (3 units) CO10, CO11
- SW 310 - Structural Oppression (3 units)
- WLL 470 - Multiculturalism in Literature and Film (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 300 - Genders, Cultures and Identities (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 353 - Identity Politics in the United States (3 units) CO10
- WMST 410 - Topics in Gender and Culture (3 units) CO10, CO11
- WMST 416B - Language and Gender (3 units) CO10
- WMST 421 - Gender and Ethnicity in American Music (3 units) CO10, CO13, CO14
Courses taken through USAC and other approved study abroad programs may be used to complete the minor with prior advisor approval.
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