University General Course Catalog 2014-2015 
    Mar 11, 2025  

Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics/Operations Research Specialization, B.S.

I. University Core Curriculum Requirements (37-44 units)

NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum  chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy”.

A. English (3-8 units)

Refer to the “English” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.

NOTE: Students who place in ENG 102  are not required to complete ENG 101 .

B. Mathematics (4 units)

Refer to the “Mathematics” section of the Core Curriculum  chapter in this catalog.

C. Natural Sciences (6-8 units)

Refer to the “Natural Sciences” section of the Core Curriculum  chapter in this catalog.

D. Social Sciences (3 units)

Refer to the “Social Sciences” section of the Core Curriculum  chapter in this catalog.

E. Fine Arts (3 units)

Refer to the “Fine Arts” section of the Core Curriculum  chapter in this catalog.

F. Core Humanities (9 units)

Refer to the “Core Humanities” section of the Core Curriculum  chapter in this catalog.

G. Capstone Courses (6 units)

Refer to the “Capstone” section of the Core Curriculum  chapter in this catalog.

H. Diversity (3 units)

Refer to the “Diversity” section of the Core Curriculum  chapter in this catalog.

II. Additional College Requirements (0 units)


III. Major Requirements,Discrete Mathematics/Operations Research Option (50 units)


IV. Minor Requirements (18-21 units)

The Mathematics and Statistics Department accepts any minor from any other UNR department.

V. Electives (5-15 units)


VI. Total Units (120 units)

 Forty or more units must be in courses numbered 300 - 499.

VII. Recommended Schedule

We assume a 21 unit minor. Students who opt to complete an 18 unit minor, must take 3 additional elective units.

A. First Year


B. Second Year


Fall Semester (16 units)


Spring Semester (15 units)


C. Third Year


Fall Semester (15 units)


Spring Semester (15 units)


D. Fourth Year


Fall Semester (15 units)


Spring Semester (16 units)



1 Some students may find it advantageous to take MATH 373  before taking MATH 310 .

2 MATH 485 - Graph Theory & Combinator  , MATH 486 - Game Theory  , and MATH 487 - Deterministic Operations Research  are offered on a 3-semester rotation; students can take whichever of the three courses is available in a given semester.

3 This elective must be as approved course numbered 300 - 499, which is related to discrete math/operations research. Some courses from outside the MATH/ STAT Department may count. For a list of such courses, please consult a MATH/STAT advisor.