University General Course Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 14, 2025  
University General Course Catalog 2024-2025

Special Examinations Administered by University Departments

Credit by Special Department Examination

A regular, currently registered student in good academic standing, who has the knowledge and skills taught in a university course, may qualify to take an examination for credit, subject to these regulations:

  1. Credit may not be earned in a course which covers, at an elementary level, the subject matter of a more advanced course for which the student has already received credit.
  2. Credit by special examination may not be attempted in a particular course more than once.
  3. Credit by special examination may not be earned in a course the student has failed or audited until after one calendar year has passed.

Each department is responsible for determining the specific course offerings that are appropriate for credit by examination and for providing information to students that is consistent, objective, and fair. Each special examination should be equivalent to the same quality, content and grading standard as applied to the examinations administered to students who enrolled in the course.

Procedure: A student desiring to earn credit by examination must initiate an application in the Office of Admissions and Records where it is reviewed to determine eligibility. Each authorized applicant must then obtain written approval to take the examination from the advisor, the chairman of the department offering the course, and the dean of the college in which the student is registered. A $25 per course examination fee is payable at the Cashier’s Office. The completed application is submitted to the faculty member named by the department chairman to administer the examination.

Credit by Exam is test credit. Test credits are applicable toward meeting course requirements for graduation but are excluded when calculating both grade point average and residency credits.Test credit, like transfer credit, appears in a summary line at the top of the university transcript.

The final grade assigned and each completed examination must be filed in the Office of Admissions and Records by the instructor. A grade must be filed prior to the last day of instruction for the student to receive credit for that particular semester. A grade of S or U will be recorded on the student’s permanent academic record. Each examination is retained for five years and may be examined by any faculty member during that time.

For further information, direct specific questions regarding credit by examination policies and procedures to the Office of Admissions and Records.