Mar 11, 2025
University General Course Catalog 2025-2026 (DRAFT)
Course Abbreviations
- AAD Architecture Design
- AAE Architecture
- AAI Interior Architecture
- ABNR Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources
- ACC Accounting
- ACE Academic and Career Exploration
- AE Aerospace Engineering
- AGSC Agricultural Science
- AM American Sign Language
- ANSC Animal Science
- ANTH Anthropology
- APST Applied Statistics
- ARA Arabic
- ART Art
- AST Astronomy
- ATMS Atmospheric Sciences
- BADM Business Administration
- BAN Business Analytics
- BASQ Basque
- BCH Biochemistry
- BIOL Biology
- BIOT Biotechnology
- BME Biomedical Engineering
- BUS Business
- CAS Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies
- CEE Civil Engineering
- CEM Construction Management
- CEP Counseling and Educational Psychology
- CH Core Humanities
- CHE Chemical Engineering
- CHEM Chemistry
- CHI Chinese
- CHS Community Health Sciences
- CMB Cell and Molecular Biology
- CMPP Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and
- COLA Liberal Arts
- COM Communication Studies
- CPE Computer Engineering
- CRJ Criminal Justice
- CS Computer Science
- CTL Curriculum,Teaching, and Learning
- DAN Dance
- ECE Early Childhood Education
- ECON Economics
- EDCT Career and Technical Education
- EDEL Elementary Education
- EDES Integrated Elementary/Special Education
- EDLE Equity, Diversity, and Language Education
- EDRL Reading and Language
- EDRS Educational Research
- EDS Educational Specialties
- EDSC Secondary Education
- EDSP Special Education
- EDST Educational Studies
- EDU Education
- EDUC Education K-12
- EE Electrical Engineering
- EECB Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
- EL Educational Leadership
- EMER Emergency Medicine
- ENG English
- ENGR Engineering
- ENT Entrepreneurship
- ENV Environmental Science
- EPY Educational Psychology
- ESL English as a Second Language
- ETS Ethnic Studies
- FCM Family and Community Medicine
- FIL Filipino
- FILM Film Studies
- FIN Finance
- FREN French
- FYE First Year Experience
- GAM Gaming Management
- GE Geological Engineering
- GEOG Geography
- GEOL Geology
- GER German
- GERO Gerontology
- GRAD Graduate School
- GRC Graphic Communications
- GRI Gender, Race and Identity
- GPH Geophysics
- GPHS Graduate Program in Hydrologic Sciences
- HCE Health Care Ethics
- HDFS Human Development and Family Science
- HGPS Holocaust, Genocide and Peace Studies
- HIST History
- HON Honors Program
- HP Historic Preservation
- IAFF International Affairs
- IDS Interdisciplinary Studies
- IELC Intensive English Language Center
- IMED Internal Medicine
- IMSE Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering
- IS Information Systems
- ITAL Italian
- ITLD Instructional Technology and Learning Design
- JM Justice Management
- JOUR Journalism
- JPN Japanese
- JS Judicial Studies
- KIN Kinesiology
- MATH Mathematics
- MCB Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
- ME Mechanical Engineering
- MED Medicine
- MET Metallurgical Engineering
- MGT Management
- MICR Microbiology and Immunology
- MIL Military Science
- MINE Mining Engineering
- MKT Marketing
- MSE Materials Science & Engineering
- MUS Music
- MUSA Music: Applied Instruction
- MUSE Music: Ensemble
- NEUR Neurology
- NGL Nevada Global
- NP Nuclear Packaging
- NRES Natural Resources and Environmental Science
- NS Neuroscience
- NURS Nursing
- NUTR Nutrition
- NVTC Nevada Teach
- OBGY Obstetrics and Gynecology
- ODAL Outdoor Adventure Leadership
- PAIT Paiute
- PAS Physician Assistant
- PATH Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- PBH Public Health
- PCB Physiology and Cell Biology
- PCHY Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- PED Physical Education
- PEDI Pediatrics
- PEX Physical Education
- PHAR Pharmacology
- PHIL Philosophy
- PHYS Physics
- PORT Portuguese
- PSC Political Science
- PSY Psychology
- REM Rangeland Ecology and Management
- RST Religious Studies
- SBRM Ski Business and Resort Management
- SCI Science
- SCM Supply Chain Management
- SOC Sociology
- SOTA School of the Arts
- SPA Speech Pathology and Audiology
- SPAN Spanish
- SPSY Social Psychology
- SPTM Sports Management
- SRJS Social Research and Justice Studies
- STAT Statistics
- SURG Surgery
- SUST Sustainability
- SW Social Work
- TCA Tourism and Convention Administration
- THTR Theatre
- VM Veterinary Medicine
- WLL World Languages and Literatures
- WMST Women’s Studies