University General Course Catalog 2016-2017 
    Oct 18, 2024  

Forest Management and Ecology, B.S.


Students in the Forest Management and Ecology major are interested in the ecology and management of forest resources. The curriculum provides a solid, multidisciplinary foundation for science-based decision making in natural resource management. Coursework addresses critical issues in vegetation ecology and management, sustainability and restoration of forest resources, watershed integrity, wildlife habitat, forage and wood production, and conservation of natural ecosystems. Graduating seniors are prepared for graduate study or may enter employment with state and federal agencies, private firms, and non-profit organizations that own and manage forests. Students interested in qualifying under the federal U.S. Office of Personnel Management should notify their advisor and consult the website at

Contact Information

217 Fleischmann Agriculture
(775) 784-4020 / (775) 784-4835

Incoming students, freshmen and sophomores should contact:
CABNR Advising Center, in FA 236  
(775) 784-1634

Juniors and seniors should contact their faculty advisor directly:
Roger Walker -
Peter Weisberg -

Transfer to Nevada

Use the transfer agreement  and the degree planner (available by clicking Print degree planner icon at the top right of this page) to build your plan for graduation with your advisor. Course substitutions not identified on the transfer agreement require UNR advisor approval.

If a major-to-major transfer agreement is not available for your transfer institution, please check the Transfer Agreements  if available. If neither is available, access established transfer course equivalencies to assist in your planning.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the university requirements for admission to the baccalaureate programs (see Admission section of this catalog), only students who are eligible to enroll in MATH 126  or above (as demonstrated through placement tests) may enter the Forest Management and Ecology major program.  Students who do not meet this requirement but want to enter the program should plan to attend summer school prior to their freshman year to take the necessary prerequisites to enroll in Math 126.

Graduation Requirements


Total Units 120
Cumulative GPA 2.0
University GPA 2.0
Major GPA 2.0
Residency Requirement 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR
Major Residency Requirement 15 Upper-Division Units in the major at UNR
Upper-Division Requirement 40 Upper-Division Units
Half Program Units/4 Year Institution 60 Units


I. Silver Core General Education Requirements (27-36 units)

NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy  .”

Students in this major must meet all Silver Core Objectives (CO1 through CO14). Courses satisfying Core Objectives are designated (e.g., CO9) in General Catalog curricula and course descriptions.

A. Silver Core Writing and Prerequisite (3-6 units) - CO1, CO3

B. Silver Core Mathematics and Prerequisite (4-10 units) - CO2

C. Silver Core Natural Sciences (8 units) - CO4, CO4L

D. Silver Core Social Sciences (3 units) - CO6

Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO6 courses .

E. Silver Core Fine Art (3 units) - CO7

Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO7 courses .

F. Silver Core Humanities (6 units) - CO5, CO8

Refer to the Core Curriculum   chapter in this catalog.

II. Additional Silver Core Requirements (4 units maximum)

Students must take courses that satisfy the following Core Objectives. Some or all of these Silver Core Objectives may be satisfied in the Major Requirements (Section IV). Refer to the Core Curriculum   chapter in this catalog.

A. Science, Technology & Society Course - CO9

B. Diversity & Equity Course - CO10

D. Ethics Course - CO12

E. Capstone Integration & Synthesis Course - CO13

F. Application Course - CO14

III. Additional College Requirements (0 units)

IV. Major Requirements (69-73 units)

B. Emphases (9-12 units)

Select one of the following emphases, and complete at least three classes from the chosen emphasis: students with specific interest in forest management should choose emphasis 1 while those with interests in forest ecology and restoration should choose emphasis 2.

V. Minor Requirements (0 units)

VI. Electives (7-20 units)

Select courses in consultation with your advisor, or you may select a minor. The following four minors below are recommended:

  • Environmental Science
  • Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
  • Ecohydrology
  • Rangeland Ecology and Management

VII. Recommended Schedule - Forest Management Option

A. First Year

B. Second Year

C. Third Year

Fall Semester (15-16 units)

Spring Semester (15-17 units)

D. Fourth Year

Fall Semester (16-17 units)

Spring Semester (14-16 units)

VII. Recommended Schedule - Forest Ecology & Restoration Option

A. First Year

B. Second Year

C. Third Year

D. Fourth Year

Fall Semester (13 units)

Even Years

  • General Elective (5 units) 

Spring Semester (17-18 units)