University General Course Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 19, 2025  
University General Course Catalog 2024-2025

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Minor

The minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) is an 18-unit interdisciplinary minor housed within the Department of Gender, Race and Identity (GRI). Students in the minor study women, gender, and sexuality in historical and contemporary contexts and global and local settings. The minor is grounded in an intersectional perspective, attending to the interrelationship of gender and sexuality with other forms of identity, difference, and power that include race, class, Indigeneity, ethnicity, citizenship, nationality, religion, ability status, and other categories. The course program critically analyzes the construction of gender and sexual identities and experiences in global and local contexts; examines sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and feminisms; and addresses key theories in studies of gender and sexuality. The minor provides an expressly interdisciplinary environment for learning, drawing widely on academic traditions in the social sciences and the humanities. Students gain tools to critically analyze and engage our world and to enact change in their communities and professions.

The Women’s Studies minor is not open to students pursuing a major in Gender, Race & Identity with a specialization in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. It is, however, open to students in the general major in Gender, Race and Identity or the major in Gender, Race, and Identity (Ethnic Studies Specialization), as well as to other majors in the CLA and at UNR.

The minor was previously named Women’s Studies and many courses retain the prefix WMST.

Contact Information

Students interested in pursuing a minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies should contact the advisor in GRI.
Department of Gender, Race, and Identity (GRI)
Thompson Building 106
(775) 682-6480

Program Requirements (18 units)

Students must complete 18 units in courses relating to women, gender, and sexuality, emphasizing historical, contemporary, and intersectional implications.

Minor GPA | 2.0

Minor Upper-Division Units | 9

Minor Residency Requirement | 6 Upper-Division Units in the minor at UNR

Unit Overlap Limits: Per College of Liberal Arts policy, no more than 9 units counted toward any major may be reused to meet the requirements of this minor.

Courses taken through USAC and other approved study abroad programs may be used to complete the minor (with advisor approval).

Core Requirements (6 units)

Core Courses 1 (3 units)

Majors must earn a “B-” or better in the following course:

Core Courses II (3 units)

Complete one of the following courses:

Electives (12 units)

Among the 12 units of electives, at least 3 units must come from Group 1, and at least 3 units must come from Group 2. Where elective courses are cross-listed, the preference is that students in the minor enroll in the section of the course listed under a GRI prefix (ETS, GRI, HGPS, RST, or WMST). However, students may fulfill elective credit through cross-listed sections if needed.

Group 1 Electives: Communities and Contexts (3-9 units)

Historical and contemporary contexts for the study of women, gender, sexuality, and/or feminism, and courses that address gender, sexual identity, and other communities in historical and contemporary contexts. Note that in addition to the courses listed, WMST 297 and GRI 463 may apply to Group 1 Electives with advisor approval and when designed to focus on communities and contexts addressing women, gender, sexuality, and/or feminisms.

Group 2 Electives: Concepts and Theories (3-9 units)

Conceptual and theoretical approaches to the study of women, gender, or sexuality, and feminist and/or queer theory. Note that in addition to the courses listed, WMST 297 and GRI 463 may apply to Group 2 Electives with advisor approval and when designed to focus on concepts and theories addressing women, gender, sexuality, and/or feminisms.