University General Course Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 16, 2025  
University General Course Catalog 2024-2025

NevadaTeach Secondary Education and Chemistry, B.S./B.S. in Ed.

Students who complete this Nevada Teach Program will earn two degrees: the Bachelor of Science in Education/Secondary Education and the Bachelor of Science Chemistry. This program provides students with a solid background in the physical sciences and mathematics and includes all of the coursework required to apply for certification to teach chemistry at the secondary level in the State of Nevada. Students who successfully complete the program are prepared for careers in chemistry, secondary school teaching, or other areas, such as allied health sciences.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • communicate appropriate outcomes for K-12 learners by creating lesson and unit plans that meet state standards, incorporate the needs and interests of diverse learners, and utilize research-based practices for the design of effective learning environments. (C)
  • design appropriate instructional interventions for K-12 learners by utilizing various sources of data, including quantitative measures of learning, to inform their instructional and classroom assessment practices. (QR)
  • articulate culturally relevant practices for K-12 education by explaining the social, economic, racial/ethnic, historical, and ethical factors that impact teaching and learning in complex educational systems. (CT)

Contact Information

College of Education and Human Development
Student Advising Center, WRB 2005
(775) 784-4298

213 Chemistry Building
(775) 784-6041
College of Science Academic Advisors 

Transfer to the University of Nevada, Reno

Use the transfer agreement  and the degree planner (available by clicking  at the top right of this page) to build your plan for graduation with your advisor. Course substitutions not identified on the transfer agreement require UNR advisor approval. For lower division coursework not available at your current institution, please review the Reverse Transfer agreement  or the Co-Admission program for options.

If a major-to-major transfer agreement is not available for your transfer institution, please check the General Core agreement  if available. If neither is available, access established transfer course equivalencies to assist in your planning. 

Graduation Requirements

  • Total Units | 120
  • Cumulative GPA | 2.0
  • University GPA | 2.0
  • Major GPA | 2.0
  • Residency Requirement | 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR
  • Major Residency Requirement | 15 Upper-Division Units in the major at UNR
  • Upper-Division Requirement | 40 Upper-Division Units

Admission Requirements

Students must be eligible to enroll in MATH 181  and ENG 101  to be admitted to NevadaTeach Chemistry.

I. General Education Requirements (27-30 units)

NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding  the “Core English and Math Completion Policy .”

Students in this major must meet all Silver Core Objectives (CO1 through CO14). Courses satisfying Core Objectives are designated (e.g., CO9) in General Catalog curricula and course descriptions.

A. Composition & Communication; Critical Analysis & Use of Information (3-6 units) CO1, CO3

B. Quantitative Reasoning (4 units) CO2

D. Cultures, Societies, & Individuals (3 units) CO6

Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO6  courses.

E. Artistic Composition, Interpretation, & Expression (3 units) CO7

Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO7  courses.

F. History & Culture; Constitutions (6 units) CO5, CO8

II. Additional Core Requirements (0 units)

Students must take courses that satisfy the following Core Objectives. Some or all of these Core Objectives may be satisfied in the Major Requirements (Section IV). Refer to the Core Curriculum   chapter in this catalog.

A. Science, Technology & Society CO9

B. Diversity & Equity CO10

C. Global Context CO11

E. Capstone Integration & Synthesis CO13

F. Application CO14

III. Additional College Requirements (0 units)

IV. Major Requirements (76-77 units)

V. Minor Requirements (0 units)

VI. Electives (13-17 units)

VII. Recommended Schedule

A. First Year

Fall Semester (15 units)

Spring Semester (15 units)

B. Second Year

C. Third Year

D. Fourth Year

Fall Semester (16 units)

Spring Semester (7 units)