Mar 12, 2025
University General Course Catalog 2025-2026 (DRAFT)
English (Creative Writing Specialization), M.F.A
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The Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degree is a professional degree that establishes emphases, in its curriculum, on both students’ writing and graduate-level scholarship in English. The degree offers a three-year course of study, incorporating coursework in literary history, critical theory, and literary craft, as well as requiring a core series of rigorous workshops centered on the development of the students’ creative work. Students will have the opportunity not only to develop a significant body of publishable creative work, but will also be able to do so with an understanding of, and the ability to communicate effectively, the work’s historical/literary context.
The M.F.A. offers courses of study in the major specializations of fiction and poetry. The program in particular welcomes fiction writers wishing to work with high quality speculative/genre fiction, as well as those wishing to focus on contemporary realist fiction. Students are required to take at least one workshop course in a specialization other than that of their primary course of study. In addition to classes taught by creative writing faculty, students are required to take credits in courses already offered by English department faculty in all emphases.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to: - manipulate elements of craft/technique within their chosen area of emphasis. In fiction, this is defined as: form (the novel, novella, and short story); generic tropes; narrative structure; point of view; tone; and voice. In poetry, this is defined as: traditional forms; line/enjambment; imagery and metaphor; meter; rhyme and free verse.
- demonstrate knowledge of the contemporary publishing landscape for fiction (both genre and literary) and/or poetry, and for book-length works as well as for individual stories/poems.
- curate/edit the creative work of others for publication.
- create a book-length of work of publishable creative writing, as well as identify its audience/market.
- analyze and describe their creative work within the context of historical trends/movements and genres in literature.
- compile a professional portfolio demonstrating an understanding of future career options and approaches to same.
Admission Requirements
Candidates will be accepted for fall semester admission only, and must submit applications by the Department of English’s December 15 deadline. Applicants are required to submit, for Department of English graduate Committee approval: - a creative writing sample of 30 pages in fiction or 10 pages in length of poetry, demonstrating the students strongest work in the genre of application;
- a scholarly writing sample of ca/ 15 pages in length, demonstrating readiness for graduate study in English;
- a 2-3 page statement of intent, including declaration of genre of study
- official transcripts;
- three letters of recommendation.
I. Program Requirements
All M.F.A. candidates must enroll in a minimum of 6 units per semester during their first five semesters in the program and at minimum must maintain graduate standing thereafter. In the sixth semester, they must finalize/finish a thesis project. Candidates must maintain a minimum 3.5 grade-point average. During the second year of study, candidates must choose one Department of English creative writing faculty member to serve as the M.F.A. committee chair and advisor; two additional department faculty (one from creative writing, and one outside the student’s declared course of study) to serve as a committee members; and a fourth committee member from outside the Department of English, chosen in consultation with the committee chair. During the student’s third year of study the M.F.A. program requires the candidate to take a comprehensive oral examination, conducted by the student’s full committee, over the candidate’s ability to sustain graduate-level arguments in answer to questions about a 30-book reading list and annotated bibliography. At the end of the third year of study, students will complete and present to the full committee a written book-length thesis of original fiction/poetry of publishable quality. At the conclusion of 48 credit hours, the student will be required to pass a defense of the completed thesis before the full committee. Students on assistantship are required to take ENG 737 , which may be counted as one of the student’s elective courses. A. Research Methods (3 Units)
B. Poetry/Fiction Workshop (15 Units)
- Fiction specialists must take 12 units of ENG 705 and 3 units of ENG 709;
- Poetry specialists must take 12 units of ENG 709 and 3 units of ENG 705.
C. Creative Writing (6 units)
D. Comprehensive Examination (1 unit)
II. Total Units (48 units)
The degree requires 48 credit hours (three years of study). Undergraduate Prerequisites
Applicants must present a Bachelor’s degree or Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a minimum of 3.0 grade-point average from an accredited university, school, or college. Applicants need not have received their previous degree in English. |
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