Mar 14, 2025
University General Course Catalog 2025-2026 (DRAFT)
History (Global History Specialization), B.A.
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Political pundits, journalists, and scholars frequently assert that “We live in an increasingly global society.” But what does it mean to live in a “global” society? And have the lives that we live actually become increasingly global over time? The Global History Specialization of the History BA offers students the historical tools to critically analyze past events and lives around the globe, and to comprehend different viewpoints for understanding the connections among different parts and peoples of the world. While students can concentrate on global history in non-U.S., comparative, international, or transnational contexts, all students will gain an understanding of how “living globally” has changed and developed over time.
Transfer to the University of Nevada, Reno
Use the transfer agreement and the degree planner (available by clicking at the top right of this page) to build your plan for graduation with your advisor. Course substitutions not identified on the transfer agreement require UNR advisor approval. If a major-to-major transfer agreement is not available for your transfer institution, please check the General Core agreement if available. If neither is available, access established transfer course equivalencies via Transferology to assist in your planning. Graduation Requirements
- Total Units | 120
- Cumulative GPA | 2.0
- University GPA | 2.0
- Major GPA | 2.0
- Residency Requirement | 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR
- Major Residency Requirement | 15 Upper-Division Units in the major at UNR
- Upper-Division Requirement | 42 Upper-Division Units
I. Core General Education Requirements (24-27 units)
NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy .” Students must meet all Core Objectives (CO1 through CO14). Courses satisfying Core Objectives are designated (e.g., CO9) in General Catalog curricula and course description. A. Composition & Communication; Critical Analysis & Use of Information (3-6 units) - CO1, CO3
B. Quantitative Reasoning (3 units minimum) - CO2
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO2 courses . C. Physical & Natural Phenomena (6 units minimum) - CO4, CO4L
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO4/CO4L courses . D. Cultures, Societies, & Individuals (3 units) - CO6
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO6 courses . E. Artistic Composition, Interpretation, & Expression (3 units) - CO7
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO7 courses . F. History & Culture; Constitution (6 units) - CO5, CO8
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. II. Additional Core Requirements (15 units maximum)
Students must take courses that satisfy the following Core Objectives. These Core Objectives may be satisfied with courses meeting the Major Requirements (Section IV), and are listed below. A. Science, Technology & Society - CO9
Choose one course; the following recommended courses also meet Major Requirements:
B. Diversity & Equity - CO10
Choose one course; the following recommended courses also meet Major Requirements:
C. Global Context - CO11
Choose one course; the following recommended courses also meet Major Requirements:
D. Ethics - CO12
Choose one course; the following recommended courses also meet Major Requirements:
E. Capstone Integration & Synthesis - CO13
Choose one course; the following recommended courses also meet Major Requirements:
- HIST 403A - Tourism, Imperialism, and Culture in Hawai’i (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 444A - U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 464 - Europe: 1914-Present (3 units) CO11
- HIST 465C - Modern Ireland and National Identity (3 units) CO11, CO13
- HIST 477 - Culture and Society in Modern Africa (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 480 - Science, Technology and Society (3 units) CO9, CO13
- HIST 491B - Women in Medieval Culture and Society (3 units) CO10, CO13
F. Application - CO14
Choose one course (units counted in the Major Requirement):
III. Additional College Requirements (6-20 units)
Units may vary depending on initial course placement in foreign language coursework. A. World Language Requirement (0-14 units)
Students seeking this bachelor’s degree must demonstrate proficiency in a world language other than English equal to a fourth semester course level through one of the following options: - complete a fourth semester college course in a world language other than English;
- demonstrate proficiency through a means determined by the Department of World Languages and Literatures including but not limited to minimum standardized test scores (CBAPE, SAT II, or IB), attaining a minimum aptitude on an accredited world language assessment test, or providing transcript evidence of a high school or equivalent diploma in which English was not the language of instruction; or,
- participate in a study abroad language program pre-approved by the Department of World Languages and Literatures to meet the world language requirement.
Note: Four years of high school world language instruction does not automatically satisfy this requirement. B. College Breadth Requirement (6 units)
Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree in the college shall be required to take, within the College of Liberal Arts, 6 units that are outside the departments in which they major or minor, and that exclude courses taken to fulfill the Core General Education requirements (Core Objectives 1 through 8). IV. Major Requirements (36 units)
- Twenty-one units (which include courses taken to satisfy the Research Methods and Senior Experience requirements) must be at the 300-400 level.
- Majors must earn a grade of “C” or better in HIST 100A and HIST 300 OR HIST 300A.
A. Introduction to the major/field (3 units)
Recommended for the first-year, Spring semester. Majors must earn a grade of “C” or better. B. Survey courses (6 units)
Choose any two of the following: C. Research Methods (3 units)
Majors must earn a grade of “C” or better in one of the following: D. Global History Electives (21 units)
- At least 15 units from the upper-division.
Group 1: Global, African, Asian, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern History (at least 15 units)
- HIST 105 - European Civilization (3 units)
- HIST 106 - European Civilization (3 units)
- HIST 208 - World History I (3 units) CO11
- HIST 209 - World History II (3 units) CO11
- HIST 211 - History of East Asia I (3 units) CO11
- HIST 212 - History of East Asia II (3 units) CO11
- HIST 224 - Pirates and Hackers (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 227 - Introduction to Latin American History and Culture I (3 units)
- HIST 228 - Introduction to Latin American History and Culture II (3 units) CO6
- HIST 229 - Drugs & Security in the Americas (3 units) CO11
- HIST 230 - History of Africa I (3 units) CO11
- HIST 231 - History of Africa II - Modern Africa (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 231A - Islam in Africa: History, Religion, Culture, and Politics (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 289 - Introduction to the History of the Middle East (3 units)
- HIST 296 - From the Scythians to Genghis Khan: Inner Eurasian Empires I (3 units) CO11
- HIST 303 - Worlds of Islam (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 306 - History of Korea (3 units) CO11
- HIST 334 - American Revolutions From Washington to Chavez (3 units) CO11
- HIST 340 - Modern African Diaspora and Popular Cultures (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 344 - Andean Ethnohistory (3 units) CO10
- HIST 346 - History of Cuba (3 units) CO11
- HIST 347 - History of Mexico (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 367 - The Holocaust in its European Setting (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO12
- HIST 370 - Cultural History of Disasters (3 units) CO9, CO10
- HIST 371 - Ancient Civiliz I (3 units)
- HIST 372 - Ancient Civiliz. II (3 units)
- HIST 373 - Medieval Civilizations (3 units)
- HIST 374 - History of the Byzantine Empire (3 units)
- HIST 384 - The Italian Renaissance (3 units)
- HIST 384A - Contemporary Italy: Mobsters, Priests, Patriots, and Divas (3 units)
- HIST 385 - Witches, Wars, and Wisdom in the Early Modern Era (3 units)
- HIST 387 - Western War and Modern Societies (3 units)
- HIST 393 - England and the British Empire I (3 units)
- HIST 394 - England and the British Empire II (3 units)
- HIST 395 - Russian History to 1900 (3 units)
- HIST 396 - 20th Century Russia and the Soviet Union (3 units)
- HIST 403A - Tourism, Imperialism, and Culture in Hawai’i (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 407 - The Global Cold War (3 units) CO11
- HIST 408 - World War II From a Global Perspective (3 units)
- HIST 427 - Europ. Intellect. Hist (3 units)
- HIST 427A - Culture and Society in European History II (3 units)
- HIST 430A - Hereditary Dictatorships of the Modern World (3 units) CO11, CO13
- HIST 435D - The History of Human Rights (3 units) CO11, CO12, CO14
- HIST 439A - The Aztecs (3 units)
- HIST 439B - Inquisition in Europe and Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 439C - Slavery and Race in Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 440A - The Cuban Revolution (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 444A - U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 450A - Modern Chinese History (3 units) CO11
- HIST 456 - Topics in Ancient History (3 units)
- HIST 462 - The French Revolution and The Revolutionary Era (3 units)
- HIST 463 - Europe: 1815-1914 (3 units)
- HIST 464 - Europe: 1914-Present (3 units) CO11
- HIST 465A - Culture and Society in 19th Century Great Britain (3 units)
- HIST 465C - Modern Ireland and National Identity (3 units) CO11, CO13
- HIST 466A - The History of Fascism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- HIST 467 - Modern Jewish History (3 units)
- HIST 469 - Topics in Russian and East European History (3 units)
- HIST 477 - Culture and Society in Modern Africa (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 478C - Topics in Middle Eastern History (3 units) CO11
- HIST 480 - Science, Technology and Society (3 units) CO9, CO13
- HIST 480A - Problems in the History and Philosophy of Science (3 units)
- HIST 482 - The Age of Discovery:1300-1600 (3 units)
- HIST 484A - History of the Book: 1450-1800 (3 units)
- HIST 490A - History of Early Medicine (3 units) CO9, CO13
- HIST 491B - Women in Medieval Culture and Society (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 494A - Medicine and Technology in Traditional China (3 units) CO11
- HIST 494B - Pathologies of Daily Life in Modern China (3 units) CO11
- HIST 494C - Topics in Chinese Culture and Society (3 units)
Group 2: U.S. History in Global Contexts (up to 6 units)
E. Senior Experience (3 units)
Choose one: - HIST 403A - Tourism, Imperialism, and Culture in Hawai’i (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 444A - U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 464 - Europe: 1914-Present (3 units) CO11
- HIST 465C - Modern Ireland and National Identity (3 units) CO11, CO13
- HIST 477 - Culture and Society in Modern Africa (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 480 - Science, Technology and Society (3 units) CO9, CO13
- HIST 491B - Women in Medieval Culture and Society (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 499A - Senior Thesis (3 units) CO14
- HIST 499B - Applied History (3 units) CO14
V. Minor Requirements (18-21 units)
The History Department accepts any minor approved by the College of Liberal Arts. VI. Electives (1-21 units)
Consult a history advisor for appropriate courses. Fall Semester (16 units)
- Prerequisite Core English (3 units) *
- Quantitative Reasoning (3 units) CO2*
- Foreign Language 111 (4 units)
- Cultures, Societies, & Individuals (3 units) CO6
- Major Survey Course (3 units)
Spring Semester (16-17 units)
- ENG 102 - Composition II (3 units) CO1, CO3 *
- HIST 100A - Making History (3 units)
Physical & Natural Phenomena (3-4 units) CO4L** Foreign Language 112 (4 units) Artistic Composition, Interpretation, & Expression (3 units) CO7 * English and Math course placement is based on test scores. Please consult the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.
** At least one CO4 Physical & Natural Phenomena course must have an approved lab (CO4L)
Fall Semester (15-16 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
- 300-400 Level HIST Elective (6 units)
- 300-400 Level Minor (3 units)
- 300-400 Level College Breadth Requirement (3 units)
- Global Contexts (3 units) CO11
Fall Semester (14-16 units)
Spring Semester (12 units)
- 300-400 Level HIST elective (6 units)
- 300-400 Level Minor (3 units)
- Minor (3 units)
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