Mar 21, 2025
University General Course Catalog 2024-2025
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, B.S.
The bachelor of science degree with a major in biochemistry and molecular biology prepares students for medical school and other professional schools, graduate school and for careers in life, agricultural and medical sciences. Active areas of research by department faculty include molecular biology, biochemistry and physiology of plants, insects and humans. Students with a specific interest in any of these areas should contact the department as early as possible for advisement.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to: - demonstrate a strong fundamental knowledge of biochemistry and molecular biology and the application of scientific concepts to research. (QR)
- design a hypothesis-driven research project following the scientific method. (CT)
- demonstrate sound scientific writing and speaking skills by preparing a research thesis or similar document, and by presenting talks for scientific peers and the general public. (C)
Contact Information
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 145 Howard Medical Sciences (775) 784-6031 For questions about academic advising: All incoming, students, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors should contact: CABNR Advising Center, in FA 236 (775) 784-1634 cabnrstudentcenter@unr.edu Seniors should contact their faculty mentor: Dr. Patricia Ellison (A-L) – ellison@unr.edu Dr. Hanna Damke (M-Z) – damke@unr.edu Juniors should contact Dr. Hanna Damke – damke@unr.edu for research laboratory placement for senior thesis. All students can contact their faculty mentor for career advising: Dr. Patricia Ellison (A-L) – ellison@unr.edu Dr. Hanna Damke (M-Z) – damke@unr.edu Transfer to the University of Nevada, Reno
Use the transfer agreement and the degree planner (available by clicking at the top right of this page) to build your plan for graduation with your advisor. Course substitutions not identified on the transfer agreement require UNR advisor approval. If a major-to-major transfer agreement is not available for your transfer institution, please check the General Core agreement if available. If neither is available, access Transferology to assist in your planning. Graduation Requirements
- Total Units | 120
- Cumulative GPA | 2.0
- University GPA | 2.0
- Major GPA | 2.0
- Residency Requirement | 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR
- Major Residency Requirement | 15 Upper-Division Units in the major at UNR
- Upper-Division Requirement | 40 Upper-Division Units
I. Core General Education Requirements (27-30 units)
NOTE: Refer to Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy .” Students in this major must meet all Core Objectives (CO1 through CO14). Courses satisfying Core Objectives are designated (e.g., CO9) in General Catalog curricula and course descriptions. A. Composition & Communication; Critical Analysis & Use of Information (3-6 units) - CO1, CO3
B. Quantitative Reasoning (4 units) - CO2
C. Physical & Natural Phenomena (8 units) - CO4, CO4L
Select one sequence: D. Cultures, Societies, & Individuals (3 units) - CO6
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO6 courses. E. Artistic Composition, Interpretation, & Expression (3 units) - CO7
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO7 courses. F. History & Culture; Constitution (6 units) - CO5, CO8
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. II. Additional Core Requirements (9 units maximum)
Students must take courses that satisfy the following Core Objectives. Some or all of these Core Objectives may be satisfied in the Major Requirements (Section IV). Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. A. Science, Technology & Society - CO9
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO9 courses. B. Diversity & Equity - CO10
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO10 courses. C. Global Context - CO11
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO11 courses. E. Capstone Integration & Synthesis - CO13
III. Additional College Requirements (0 units)
IV. Major Requirement (74-76 units)
A. Biological Science Core (57 units)
B. First Semester Physics (4 units)
C. Second Semester Physics (4 units)
D. Statistics (3-4 units)
E. Biological Science Directed Electives (6-7 units)
Students must take two biological science directed electives at the 300-400 level (3 units). AGSC, BCH, BIOL, BIOT, CHEM, MICR courses are acceptable electives. (BIOL 395 and AGSC 415 are excluded). The following courses may also be used for ONE of the two biological science directed electives V. Minor Requirements (0 units)
VI. Electives (5-10 units)
VII. Recommended Schedule
Use the Planner in MyNEVADA to build a custom graduation plan. Review and adjust the plan in each academic advisement session. First Semester (16 units)
Second Semester (15 units)
First Semester (15 units)
Second Semester (16 units)
First Semester (15 units)
Second Semester (15 units)
First Semester (15 units)
Second Semester (13 units)