University General Course Catalog 2014-2015 
    Feb 19, 2025  

College of Science

Geography field class

Jeffrey S. Thompson, Dean
Katherine McCall, Associate Dean
Regina Tempel, Associate Dean

411 Davidson Mathematics and Science Center
(775) 784-4591

Mission Statement

The College of Science unites disciplines in the pure and applied physical sciences, earth sciences, life sciences, and mathematics around the central tenets of the scientific method and logic to provide students with a solid framework of education and research.

About the College

The college embodies the belief that science and mathematics are the primary sources of the technological revolution transforming society in the 21st century. The College of Science will have a nucleus of specific strengths and will strive for excellence in all programs.

Graduates of the college will have a wealth of technical skills and problem solving abilities to prepare them for professional careers. The college’s education, research, and outreach missions promote scientific and numerical literacy and create an awareness of the value of science in addressing society’s problems and enhancing economic development.

The College of Science fosters synergies and interdisciplinary efforts to further the University’s recognition as a premier institution of scientific education and research.

Undergraduate Study

The College of Science offers students the knowledge and discipline gained from a strong education in mathematics and science.  This education teaches students to think logically and quantitatively, develop intellectual curiosity and appreciate the scientific method of inquiry.

Degree requirements are designed to assure a well-balanced curriculum while also allowing students freedom in selecting individual courses.  Major and minor programs equip students with a deeper understanding in a field of knowledge, can help prepare students for meeting their professional goals, and can help provide entry into advanced study at the graduate or professional level. 

Undergraduate Degree Programs

Bachelor of Science with a major in Atmospheric Sciences  

Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology  

Bachelor of Science in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology  

Bachelor of Science with a major in Neuroscience  

Bachelor of Science with a major in Physics  

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Bachelor of Science with a major in Mathematics

Bachelor of Arts with a major in Mathematics

Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Geology  

Bachelor of Science with a major in Metallurgical Engineering  

Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering  

Bachelor of Science in Geophysics  

Bachelor of Science in Hydrogeology  

Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering

Bachelor of Science with a major in Geography  (requires a minor)

Bachelor of Arts with a major in Geography  (requires a minor)

Multiple Undergraduate Degrees

A multiple degree is earned if a student wishes to major in multiple programs leading to different degrees–for example, one major leading to a bachelor of arts degree and another major leading to a bachelor of science degree or one leading to one named degree such as a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and another leading to a different degree such as a Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology.  College of Science students who earn multiple degrees are required to fulfill all of the college’s general requirements for a bachelor’s degree, even if one of the degrees is done under another college at the university.  A minor must be completed if required by either major. 

Multiple Undergraduate Majors

Students may earn multiple majors by completing the requirements for multiple major programs leading to the same degree name–for example, majors leading to a bachelor of science degree.  A student may not have multiple majors within a named degree such as a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.  Students who earn multiple majors with at least one major in the College of Science are required to fulfill all of the college’s general requirements for a bachelor’s degree. 


Specific requirements for each minor may be found under the appropriate department or program in this catalog.


The academic programs leading to the Bachelor of Science degrees in geological engineering and mining engineering are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, the agency accrediting engineering curricula throughout the United States. The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

The Chemistry Department’s Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree with a professional chemistry specialization or an environmental chemistry specialization are certified by the American chemical Society (ACS) as satisfying vigorous standards. To obtain certification, students must follow the plans outlined.

General College Requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree

Students seeking a bachelor’s degree in the College of Science must successfully complete the following requirements:

  1. Earn a minimum of 120 units at the baccalaureate-level, at least 40 units of which must be numbered 300-499. (Two additional university unit requirements are that at least 60 units must be earned from regionally accredited, four-year educational institutions and that 30 upper-division units must be earned at the University of Nevada, Reno in residency. Students should review the Requirements for Graduation section  in this catalog for additional information).
  2. Complete all University Core Curriculum requirements.
  3. Complete all major and minor requirements for the degree program. Specific requirements for each major and minor may be found under the appropriate department in this catalog.
  4. Complete any remaining elective units necessary to meet minimum unit requirements. The elective course units may be taken from any department at the university.

Academic Advising

Undergraduate academic advising in the College of Science teaches and empowers students to take responsibility for learning and for their own academic success.

Academic Advising for all College of Science students are provided by designated faculty members in each department. Faculty advisors are a great resource for answering questions specific to College of Science major or minor requirements and general career or graduate school goals. Department faculty advisor contact information can be found at

The College of Science has a three-semester mandatory advising policy for first time freshmen. Geological Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, and Mining Engineering students are required to get advised every semester until graduation. There is an advising hold placed on a student’s account in MyNEVADA that is removed by their advisor AFTER the student has successfully participated in mandatory advising.

Professional School Advising

Pat Wilson, M.A., the Professional School Advisor in the College of Science, provides the following services for College of Science students:

  • Personalized assistance from the early stages of professional school preparation through the application process.
  • Individualized advisement to assist you with course selection, test preparation, and obtaining clinical and research experiences as you prepare for professional school.
  • Development of the best timeline and application strategy for your application to professional school.
  • Seminars to assist students with the application process; seminars include writing the personal statement and resume, the professional school interview, getting letters of recommendation, and the professional school application process and timeline.
  • Critiques of your resume and personal statement; conducts mock interviews.

Contact Pat Wilson with any questions at . To schedule an advising appointment, visit

Application for Graduation

Candidates for graduation must submit a graduation application in MyNEVADA by March 1st for Spring, June 1st for Summer, and October 1st for Fall.  Candidates are strongly encouraged to review their Academic Advising Report (AAR) with their academic advisor prior to submitting an application.  At the end of the graduation term, all requirements on the AAR must be complete before a degree may be posted the student’s transcript.

Undergraduate Academic Standards

Except as otherwise specified, all students must maintain the following academic standards in order to receive a bachelor’s degree from the College of Science.

Grade-point average requirements

In addition to the university’s requirement that students have a grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.0, the College of Science requires that students earn a GPA of at least 2.0 in both their major and minor fields.  Some college departments have higher GPA requirements for their degree programs (refer to the appropriate department in this catalog for more information.)

Satisfactory/unsatisfactory credit

Students seeking a bachelor’s degree in the College of Science may apply a maximum of 30 units earned with satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) grades. Courses taken for S/U units do not count toward requirements for majors and minors. The college’s policy for courses graded S/U otherwise conforms to the university policy. This restriction on major and minor requirements can be waived if S/U grading for the course is recommended by the student’s academic advisor; the advisor’s recommendation must be approved by the department chair and submitted to the dean’s office for final approval.  If a course is offered for S/U credit only, the college’s restrictions are waived.

Acceptance of transfer students

Students must have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 or higher in courses at the bachelor’s degree level to transfer into a degree program, major or minor in the College of Science. Some college departments have higher GPA requirements for acceptance. These requirements do not apply to new freshmen applicants.

Academic Probation and Dismissal

Undergraduate students in the College of Science who do not make satisfactory progress toward their degree may be placed on academic probation or dismissal as defined in the “Undergraduate Academic Standards ” section of this catalog.  The same policies which govern academic probation and dismissal for the university apply in the college. 

Accelerated Programs

The College of Science, in partnership with UNLV’s School of Dental Medicine, offers a seven-year accelerated program to earn both BS and DMD degrees. Students will complete three years of the Biology undergraduate curriculum at the University of Nevada, Reno’s College of Science and courses from the first year of dental school at UNLV’s School of Dental Medicine will count towards completion of the bachelor’s degree. Students will have a faculty advisor in their major, advisors from the School of Dental Medicine, and a local dentist mentor to provide guidance and advising through the program. Additionally, students will have opportunities to shadow current dental students and faculty as they progress in the program. Applicants must be first-time freshmen applicants at UNR.
For more information, visit or contact or 775-784-4591.

In addition to the BS/DMD, the College of Science, in partnership with the College of Business, offers a five-year accelerated program to earn both BS and MBA degrees. This program is intended for high achieving and motivated high school seniors who have an interest in business along with science, mathematics, or engineering. Students admitted to the program as incoming freshmen will be given conditional admission to the MBA program. Students will complete the required undergraduate curriculum for their declared major in the College of Science along with some business courses in 3.5 years to earn their BS degree. The remaining required courses to earn the MBA degree will be completed in the following 18 months. Applicants must be first-time freshmen applicants at UNR.
For more information, visit or contact or 775-784-4591.

Graduate Degree Programs
225 Fitzgerald Student Services

Graduate programs leading to the degree of master of arts, master of science, and doctor of philosophy are offered in:

Master of Science

Master of Arts

  • Teaching of Mathematics  

Doctor of Philosophy

*Interdisciplinary degree programs