Mar 14, 2025
University General Course Catalog 2025-2026 (DRAFT)
International Affairs, B.A.
Return to: Programs in the College of Liberal Arts
The International Affairs Program is an interdisciplinary degree program for undergraduate students. The program provides opportunities for students to explore diverse course options throughout the University and develop an area of expertise relating to students’ own interests. Students may choose to focus their studies within a discipline or across disciplines. Students can take advantage of the diverse course offerings within the College of Liberal Arts as well as in other Schools and Colleges at the University. International Affairs students interested in environmental studies, geography, business, journalism, literature, economics, policy, or regional studies, to name a few, are encouraged to incorporate relevant coursework in these areas into their degree plans. The flexibility built into the interdisciplinary International Affairs Program assists students in preparing themselves for advanced educational opportunities and professional careers in an increasingly interdependent world. International Affairs students select among courses that match their degree plan and their chosen area of specialization, or “Emphasis.”
The major in International Affairs requires students to complete 33 credits. The coursework consists of an 18-unit required component and a 15-unit Emphasis. Students may use up to nine credits from a minor or second major toward their International Affairs course requirements. The diversity of options within the major and opportunities to study abroad mean that students should seek academic advisement prior to enrollment each semester.
Students should plan to take PSC 211 or PSC 231 and foreign language courses during their first year. In some cases, introductory courses at the 200-level may be recommended in the second semester. Students wanting to take upper-division economics courses as part of the International Affairs degree program should plan to take ECON 102 and/or ECON 103 as prerequisite courses. Students may opt to write a senior thesis and/or complete an internship to satisfy three to six credits of the program’s Emphasis requirement. Students should contact the International Affairs advisor for more information. Internships require approval and must be completed in accordance with program and University guidelines.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to: - integrate insights from multiple disciplines to create lucid, well-constructed arguments analyzing and interpreting international affairs. (C)
- apply qualitative and quantitative reasoning as required for a particular course and research question pertaining to international affairs. (QR)
- use the knowledge and methods of their chosen field of emphasis to think critically and communicate effectively about complex global questions. (CT)
- analyze and compare a diverse range of past and present political, economic, and cultural practices and systems.
Transfer to the University of Nevada, Reno
Use the transfer agreement and the degree planner (available by clicking at the top right of this page) to build your plan for graduation with your advisor. Course substitutions not identified on the transfer agreement require UNR advisor approval. If a major-to-major transfer agreement is not available for your transfer institution, please check the General Core agreement if available. If neither is available, access Transferology to assist in your planning. Graduation Requirements
- Total Units | 120
- Cumulative GPA | 2.0
- University GPA | 2.0
- Major GPA | 2.0
- Residency Requirement | 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR
- Major Residency Requirement | 15 Upper-Division Units in the major at UNR
- Upper-Division Requirement | 42 Upper-Division Units
I. Core General Education Requirements (24-27 units)
NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy .” Students in this major must meet all Core Objectives (CO1 through CO14). Courses satisfying Core Objectives are designated (e.g., CO9) in General Catalog curricula and course descriptions.
A. Composition & Communication; Critical Analysis & Use of Information (3-6 units) - CO1, CO3
B. Quantitative Reasoning (3 units minimum) - CO2
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO2 courses . C. Physical & Natural Phenomena (6 units minimum) - CO4, CO4L
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO4/CO4L courses . D. Cultures, Societies, & Individuals (3 units) - CO6
E. Artistic Composition, Interpretation, & Expression (3 units) - CO7
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO7 courses . F. History & Culture (3 units) - CO5
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO5 courses. G. Constitution (3 units) - CO8
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO8 courses. PSC 101 is recommended. II. Additional Core Requirements (18 units maximum)
Students must take courses that satisfy the following Core Objectives. Some or all of these Core Objectives may be satisfied in the Major Requirements (Section IV). Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. A. Science, Technology & Society - CO9
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO9 courses . B. Diversity & Equity - CO10
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO10 courses. C. Global Context - CO11
Choose one course: D. Ethics - CO12
Choose one course; the following courses are recommended: E. Capstone Integration & Synthesis - CO13
Choose one course; the following courses are recommended: F. Application - CO14
Choose one course; the following recommended courses can be used in the Major Requirement: III. Additional College Requirements (6-20 units)
Units may vary depending on initial course placement in foreign language coursework. A. World Language Requirement (0-14 units)
Students seeking this bachelor’s degree must demonstrate proficiency in a world language other than English equal to a fourth semester course level through one of the following options: - complete a fourth semester college course in a world language other than English;
- demonstrate proficiency through a means determined by the Department of World Languages and Literatures including but not limited to minimum standardized test scores (CBAPE, SAT II, or IB), attaining a minimum aptitude on an accredited world language assessment test, or providing transcript evidence of a high school or equivalent diploma in which English was not the language of instruction; or,
- participate in a study abroad language program pre-approved by the Department of World Languages and Literatures to meet the world language requirement.
Note: Four years of high school world language instruction does not automatically satisfy this requirement. B. College Breadth Requirement (6 units)
Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree in the college shall be required to take, within the College of Liberal Arts, 6 units that are outside the departments in which they major or minor, and that exclude courses taken to fulfill the Core General Education requirements (Core Objectives 1 through 8). IV. Major Requirements (30-33 units)
NOTE: Several approved courses may be listed in multiple sections of these major requirements, but each course can only be used within the major once to satisfy a single major requirement. Students may need to work with an academic advisor to ensure optimal placement of certain courses within the major on the student’s advising report. A. International Relations (0-3 units)
B. International Economic Institutions (3 units)
C. Culture, Geography and Ideas (6 units)
The courses here are appropriate and pre-approved for the “Culture, Geography, and Ideas” requirement. Some of the pre-approved courses have prerequisites and corequisites, some of which may be associated with another minor or major. Many of the courses do not have prerequisites. You may consult with an International Affairs advisor regarding alternate courses that are not on this list. - ANTH 201 - Peoples and Cultures of the World (3 units) CO11
- ANTH 220 - Introduction to Basque Cultural Studies in a Global Frame (3 units) CO10
- ANTH 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units) CO10
- ANTH 441A - Archaeology of the Old World (3 units)
- ANTH 485 - Language and Culture (3 units) CO10, CO13
- ANTH 486 - Sport and Society from a Global Perspective (3 units) CO10
- ARA 221 - Islam: Creed, Culture, and Civilization (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ARA 222 - Egypt: People, Culture and Civilization (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ARA 223 - Turkey: Culture of An Empire to a Culture of a Modern Nation (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ART 260 - Survey of Art History I (3 units) CO7
- ART 261 - Survey of Art History II (3 units) CO7, CO11
- ART 308 - Museum Studies (3 units) CO14
- ART 365 - Contemporary Art (3 units) CO11
- BASQ 220 - Introduction to Basque Cultural Studies in a Global Frame (3 units) CO10
- BASQ 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units) CO10
- BASQ 486 - Sport and Society from a Global Perspective (3 units) CO10
- CHI 221 - China and Its Culture (3 units) CO11
- CHI 223 - Modern Chinese Literature in Translation (3 units) CO11
- CHI 224 - Culture Through Chinese Calligraphy (3 units) CO7, CO11
- COM 275 - Racism, Colonialism, and Communication (3 units) CO10
- COM 302 - Issues in Interpersonal Communication (3 units)
- COM 317 - Organizational Communication (3 units)
- COM 348 - Latina/o/x Communication Studies (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ENG 311 - Transatlantic Survey I (3 units)
- ENG 312 - Transatlantic Survey II (3 units)
- ENG 345 - U.S. Writers of Color (3 units) CO10
- ENG 492C - Language and Culture (3 units) CO10, CO13
- ETS 251 - Theories of Race and Ethnicity (3 units) CO6, CO10
- ETS 280 - Native American Identities and Culture (3 units) CO10
- ETS 307 - Topics in Race and Racism (3 units) CO10
- FREN 321 - Survey of French and Francophone Cultures (3 units) CO11
- GEOG 200 - World Regional Geography (3 units) CO6, CO11
- GEOG 305 - Issues in Environmental Justice (3 units) CO10
- GEOG 306 - Population Geography: Births, Deaths, and Human Migration (3 units) CO10
- GEOG 310 - Seminar in Geography (3 units)
- GEOG 321 - Understanding Climate (3 units)
- GEOG 322 - Into the Storm: Severe Weather and Society (3 units) CO9
- GER 221 - German Culture (3 units)
- GRI 201 - Narratives of Identity and Difference (3 units) CO10
- GRI 213 - Asian Americans in United States History (3 units) CO10, CO11
- GRI 216 - Thinking Sex and Gender (3 units) CO10
- GRI 230 - Introduction to LGBTQ Studies (3 units) CO10
- GRI 257 - Social Movements of Gender, Race, and Identity (3 units) CO10, CO12
- GRI 272 - Latinx Identities and Cultures (3 units) CO6, CO10
- GRI 280 - Black Epistemologies and Ways of Seeing (3 units) CO10, CO11
- GRI 344 - Social Movements and Collective Behavior (3 units) CO10, CO11
- GRI 345 - U.S. Writers of Color (3 units) CO10
- GRI 348 - Latina/o/x Communication Studies (3 units) CO10, CO11
- GRI 240 - LGBTQ+ Identities and Schooling (3 units) CO10
- GRI 360 - LGBTQ Community Histories (3 units) CO10
- GRI 375 - Afro-Latinx Communities in the U.S. (3 units) CO10, CO11
- GRI 379 - Ethnic and Race Relations (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 202 - American Military History (3 units)
- HIST 208 - World History I (3 units) CO11
- HIST 209 - World History II (3 units) CO11
- HIST 211 - History of East Asia I (3 units) CO11
- HIST 212 - History of East Asia II (3 units) CO11
- HIST 213 - Asian Americans in United States History (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 215 - History of Sexuality in the United States (3 units) CO10
- HIST 216 - Thinking Sex and Gender (3 units) CO10
- HIST 224 - Pirates and Hackers (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 227 - Introduction to Latin American History and Culture I (3 units)
- HIST 228 - Introduction to Latin American History and Culture II (3 units) CO6
- HIST 229 - Drugs & Security in the Americas (3 units) CO11
- HIST 230 - History of Africa I (3 units) CO11
- HIST 231 - History of Africa II - Modern Africa (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 231A - Islam in Africa: History, Religion, Culture, and Politics (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 260 - Introduction to Native American History (3 units) CO10
- HIST 281 - Magic, Marvels, and Nature in the Pre-Modern World (3 units) CO9
- HIST 289 - Introduction to the History of the Middle East (3 units)
- HIST 293C - Introduction to African-American History I (3 units) CO8, CO10
- HIST 296 - From the Scythians to Genghis Khan: Inner Eurasian Empires I (3 units) CO11
- HIST 360 - LGBTQ Community Histories (3 units) CO10
- HIST 370 - Cultural History of Disasters (3 units) CO9, CO10
- HIST 371 - Ancient Civiliz I (3 units)
- HIST 372 - Ancient Civiliz. II (3 units)
- HIST 373 - Medieval Civilizations (3 units)
- ITAL 221 - Italy and Its Culture (3 units) CO11
- ITAL 223 - Italian Literature in English Translation (3 units)
- ITAL 321 - Italian Culture and Civilization (3 units)
- JOUR 304 - Social Media and Society (3 units) CO9
- JOUR 305 - Media Ethics (3 units) CO12
- JOUR 306 - Latinas/os Through The Eyes of The Media (3 units) CO10
- JOUR 360 - Media and Politics (3 units)
- JPN 221 - Japan and Its Culture (3 units) CO11
- MIL 264 - US Military History 1770 - Present (3 units)
- NRES 210 - Environmental Pollution (3 units) CO9
- NRES 211 - Conservation, Humans and Biodiversity (3 units)
- NRES 212 - A Primer in Environmental Ethics (1 unit) CO12
- NRES 214 - Culture and the Use and Management of Natural Resources (1 unit) CO10
- PHIL 207C - Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy (3 units) CO8
- PHIL 210 - World Religions (3 units) CO10, CO11
- PHIL 211 - Intro Ancient Phil (3 units)
- PHIL 212 - Intro Medieval Phil (3 units)
- PHIL 213 - Intro Modern Phil (3 units)
- PHIL 224 - Introduction to Philosophy of Science (3 units)
- PHIL 244 - Bioethics (3 units) CO9, CO12
- PHIL 245 - Contemporary Moral Issues (3 units) CO10, CO12
- PHIL 316 - Survey of 20th Century Philosophy (3 units)
- PHIL 317 - History of Ethical Theory (3 units) CO12
- PHIL 318 - History of Political Philosophy (3 units) CO12
- PSC 211 - Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 units) CO6, CO11
- PSC 220 - Introduction to Basque Cultural Studies in a Global Frame (3 units) CO10
- PSC 231 - Introduction to International Relations (3 units) CO6, CO11
- PSC 241 - Introduction to Political Theory (3 units) CO10
- PSC 255 - The American Women’s Movement (3 units) CO10
- PSC 323 - Ancient and Medieval Political Theory (3 units) CO12
- PSC 324 - Modern Political Theory (3 units)
- PSC 409A - Political Philosophy (3 units) CO12, CO14
- PSC 409C - American Political Thought (3 units)
- PSC 409D - Contemporary Political Theory (3 units)
- PSC 409K - Jurisprudence (3 units) CO13
- PSC 409Z - Special Topics in Political Theory (3 units)
- PSC 411G - Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers and Federalism (3 units)
- SOC 207 - Introduction to Sociological Theory (3 units)
- SOC 230 - Introduction to LGBTQ Studies (3 units) CO10
- SOC 235 - Introduction to the Sociology of Climate Change (3 units) CO6, CO9
- SOC 245 - The Future of Work (3 units) CO9
- SOC 250 - Sociology of Sexualities (3 units) CO9, CO10
- SOC 261 - Introduction to Social Psychology (3 units)
- SOC 272 - Latinx Identities and Cultures (3 units) CO6, CO10
- SOC 285 - Sociology of Contemporary Culture (3 units) CO6, CO9
- SOC 325 - Sociology of Happiness (3 units) CO9, CO11
- SOC 333 - Religion And Society (3 units) CO10, CO12
- SOC 342 - Social Stratification (3 units) CO10
- SOC 345 - Social Movements and Collective Behavior (3 units) CO10, CO11
- SOC 350 - Social Change (3 units) CO10, CO11
- SOC 362 - Group Dynamics (3 units)
- SOC 363 - Contemporary Issues in Social Psychology (3 units)
- SOC 369 - Sociology of Law (3 units) CO12
- SOC 371 - Social Organization (3 units)
- SOC 373 - Political Sociology (3 units)
- SOC 375 - Afro-Latinx Communities in the U.S. (3 units) CO10, CO11
- SOC 376 - The Community (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SOC 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units) CO10
- SOC 379 - Ethnic and Race Relations (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SOC 384 - Population (3 units)
- SOC 391 - Bureaucracy and Large-Scale Organizations (3 units) CO11
- SOC 393 - Industrial Sociology (3 units) CO9
- SPAN 221 - Iberia and Its Cultures (3 units)
- SPAN 222 - Hispanic-America and Its Culture (3 units) CO11
- SPAN 321 - Spanish Culture and Civilization (3 units) CO11
- SPAN 322 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization (3 units) CO11
- SPAN 323 - Chicano/U.S. Latino Culture (3 units) CO10
- SPAN 442 - Special Topics in Cultural Studies (3 units)
- WLL 220 - Introduction to Basque Cultural Studies in a Global Frame (3 units) CO10
- WMST 353 - Identity Politics in the United States (3 units) CO10
- WMST 354 - Politics and Women (3 units) CO10
- WMST 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units) CO10
- OR alternate courses with advisor approval
D. Research Tools (3 units)
E. Upper-Division Diplomacy (3 units)
F. Emphases (15 units)
Students will declare one of the following Emphases and complete 15 units in courses numbered 300-499 within the Emphasis. In consultation with an International Affairs advisor, other upper-division courses not listed below (such as internship, thesis, and special topics courses, or coursework taken via study abroad) may be applied to the Emphasis requirement when the content of such courses is relevant to the emphasis area. Emphasis: Diplomacy, Law, and Organization
This course list includes upper-division courses with content relating to the diplomacy, law, and organization, with a focus outside the United States. Other courses may be approved in consultation with an International Affairs advisor. Note that some of the pre-approved courses have prerequisites and corequisites outside the International Affairs major. - AGSC 467 - Environmental and Energy Economics (3 units)
- ANTH 402 - Comparative Social Organization (3 units) CO11
- ANTH 405 - Language, Religion, Politics (3 units) CO11, CO13
- ANTH 418 - Global/Local Inequalities (3 units) CO11, CO14
- ANTH 435 - Anthropology of Global Migration (3 units) CO13
- PBH 461 - Global Health Promotion (3 units) CO11, CO13
- COM 412 - Intercultural Communication (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- GEOG 350 - Global Food Systems (3 units) CO11
- GEOG 400 - International Issues for Water Development (3 units) CO11, CO13
- GEOG 422 - Climate Solutions: Local to Global Perspectives (3 units) CO9, CO13
- GEOG 446 - Political Geography (3 units) CO11
- HGPS 421 - Concepts in Peace Studies and Nonviolence (3 units) CO13
- HIST 387 - Western War and Modern Societies (3 units)
- HIST 387A - The World Wars and their Era (3 units) CO11
- HIST 407 - The Global Cold War (3 units) CO11
- HIST 407A - United States and the World I (3 units)
- HIST 407B - United States and the World II (3 units)
- HIST 408 - World War II From a Global Perspective (3 units)
- HIST 435D - The History of Human Rights (3 units) CO11, CO12, CO14
- HIST 444A - U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (3 units) CO10, CO13
- IAFF 300 - Model United Nations (3 units) CO14
- MGT 480 - International Management (3 units) CO11
- PHIL 450 - Ethical Theory (3 units) CO12
- PHIL 453 - Topics in Philosophy of Law (3 units) CO8
- PHIL 454 - Global Ethics and Justice (3 units) CO11, CO12
- PHIL 457 - Political Philosophy (3 units) CO12, CO14
- PSC 336 - International Organizations (3 units)
- PSC 403J - Political Ethics and Political Corruptions (3 units) CO12, CO13
- PSC 405A - International Law (3 units)
- PSC 405D - U.S. Foreign Policy (3 units)
- PSC 405F - Problems of World Politics (3 units)
- PSC 405G - International Conflict (3 units)
- PSC 405H - International Human Rights (3 units) CO12
- PSC 405I - Holocaust and Genocide (3 units)
- PSC 405J - The European Union (3 units)
- PSC 405K - International Relations of Middle East and Northern Africa (3 units) CO11
- PSC 405P - Global Political Economy (3 units)
- PSC 405U - International Security (3 units)
- PSC 405X - Evolution of Cooperation and Conflict (3 units) CO12
- PSC 405Z - Special Topics in International Relations and Foreign Policy (3 units)
- PSC 406A - Cybersecurity and International Relations (3 units) CO9
- PSC 406C - US-Russian Relations (3 units)
- PSC 407A - Political Systems of Western Europe (3 units)
- PSC 407B - Political Systems of East Asia (3 units)
- PSC 407C - Political Systems of Russia and East-Central Europe (3 units)
- PSC 407D - Political Systems of the Middle East and North Africa (3 units) CO13
- PSC 407E - Political Systems of Latin America (3 units)
- PSC 407F - Political Systems of China (3 units)
- PSC 407H - Politics and Problems in Developed Areas (3 units)
- PSC 407I - Politics and Problems in Developing Areas (3 units)
- PSC 407J - Nationalism (3 units)
- PSC 407K - Comparative Religion and Politics (3 units) CO10
- PSC 407Q - Political Violence (3 units)
- PSC 407S - Comparative Political Economy (3 units) CO11
- PSC 407T - Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa (3 units)
- PSC 407V - Contemporary Basque Politics (3 units) CO10
- PSC 407W - Terrorism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407X - Suicide Terrorism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407Y - Democratization and Authoritarianism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407Z - Special Topics in Comparative Politics (3 units)
- PSC 408C - Emerging World Powers (BRICS) (3 units)
- PSC 408D - Internet and Politics (3 units) CO9
- PSC 408E - Labor, Economy, and Protest (3 units) CO11
- PSC 408F - Border Politics (3 units) CO10, CO11
- PSC 409A - Political Philosophy (3 units) CO12, CO14
- SOC 369 - Sociology of Law (3 units) CO12
- SOC 373 - Political Sociology (3 units)
- SOC 391 - Bureaucracy and Large-Scale Organizations (3 units) CO11
- SOC 393 - Industrial Sociology (3 units) CO9
- SOC 405 - Third-World Societies (3 units) CO11
- SOC 406 - Globalization and Society (3 units) CO11
- or alternate courses with advisor approval
Emphasis: International Economic Institutions
This course list includes upper-division courses with content relating to the international economics. Other courses may be approved in consultation with an advisor for International Affairs. Note that some of the pre-approved courses have prerequisites and corequisites outside the International Affairs major. Emphasis: International Environmental Studies
This course list includes upper-division courses with content relating to the environment and environmental policy, with a focus that is primarily outside the United States. Other courses may be approved in consultation with an International Affairs advisor. Note that some of the pre-approved courses have prerequisites and corequisites outside the International Affairs major. Emphasis: Africa
This course list includes upper-division courses with content relating to Africa and African states, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Other courses may be approved in consultation with an International Affairs advisor. Note that some of the pre-approved courses have prerequisites and corequisites outside the International Affairs major. - ANTH 401C - Peoples and Cultures of Africa (3 units) CO11
- ANTH 411B - Anthropology of Islam and Muslim Cultures (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ANTH 420 - Magic, Witchcraft and Religion (3 units) CO11
- ANTH 441D - Archaeology of Africa (3 units)
- ANTH 442A - Historical Archaeology (3 units) CO11
- HIST 340 - Modern African Diaspora and Popular Cultures (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 408 - World War II From a Global Perspective (3 units)
- HIST 467 - Modern Jewish History (3 units)
- HIST 477 - Culture and Society in Modern Africa (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- PSC 403J - Political Ethics and Political Corruptions (3 units) CO12, CO13
- PSC 405A - International Law (3 units)
- PSC 405D - U.S. Foreign Policy (3 units)
- PSC 405G - International Conflict (3 units)
- PSC 405H - International Human Rights (3 units) CO12
- PSC 405I - Holocaust and Genocide (3 units)
- PSC 405P - Global Political Economy (3 units)
- PSC 405U - International Security (3 units)
- PSC 405X - Evolution of Cooperation and Conflict (3 units) CO12
- PSC 406A - Cybersecurity and International Relations (3 units) CO9
- PSC 407J - Nationalism (3 units)
- PSC 407K - Comparative Religion and Politics (3 units) CO10
- PSC 407Q - Political Violence (3 units)
- PSC 407S - Comparative Political Economy (3 units) CO11
- PSC 407T - Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa (3 units)
- PSC 407W - Terrorism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407X - Suicide Terrorism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407Y - Democratization and Authoritarianism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 408C - Emerging World Powers (BRICS) (3 units)
- PSC 408D - Internet and Politics (3 units) CO9
- PSC 408E - Labor, Economy, and Protest (3 units) CO11
- SOC 405 - Third-World Societies (3 units) CO11
Emphasis: Asia
This course list includes upper-division courses with content relating to Asia and Asian states. Other courses may be approved in consultation with an International Affairs advisor. Note that some of the pre-approved courses have prerequisites and corequisites outside the International Affairs major. Emphasis: Europe
This course list includes upper-division courses with content relating to Europe and European states. Other courses may be approved in consultation with an International Affairs advisor. Note that some of the pre-approved courses have prerequisites and corequisites outside the International Affairs major. - ANTH 412 - Basque Language, Society and Culture (3 units)
- ANTH 413 - Museums, Architecture, City Renewal: The Bilbao Guggenheim (3 units) CO13
- ANTH 414 - Basque Culture (3 units) CO13
- ANTH 425 - Anthropology of Europe (3 units) CO11
- ANTH 441E - Archaeology of Eurasia (3 units)
- ANTH 442B - Industrial Archaeology (3 units) CO11
- ANTH 477 - War, Occupation & Memory in the Basque Country (3 units) CO13
- ART 365 - Contemporary Art (3 units) CO11
- ART 448 - Basque Art, Politics, and Identity in a Global Context (3 units) CO13
- ART 466 - Museums, Architecture, City Renewal: The Bilbao Guggenheim (3 units) CO13
- ART 487 - German Art 1900-Present (3 units) CO13
- BASQ 407 - Contemporary Basque Politics (3 units) CO10
- BASQ 448 - Basque Art, Politics, and Identity in a Global Context (3 units) CO13
- BASQ 456 - Basque Language, Society and Culture (3 units)
- BASQ 461 - Basque Gender Studies (3 units)
- BASQ 466 - Museums, Architecture, City Renewal: The Bilbao Guggenheim (3 units) CO13
- BASQ 471 - Basque Culture (3 units) CO13
- BASQ 477 - War, Occupation & Memory in the Basque Country (3 units) CO13
- BASQ 486 - Sport and Society from a Global Perspective (3 units) CO10
- ECON 462 - International Trade (3 units) CO11
- FREN 321 - Survey of French and Francophone Cultures (3 units) CO11
- FREN 341 - Introduction to the History of French Literature I (3 units) CO12
- FREN 342 - Introduction to the History of French Literature II (3 units)
- FREN 410 - Intercultural Awareness in Cross-Cultural Settings (1 unit) CO14
- FREN 469 - The Seventeenth Century in French Literature (3 units)
- FREN 473 - The Eighteenth Century in French Literature (3 units)
- FREN 477 - The Nineteenth Century in French Literature (3 units)
- FREN 491 - The Twentieth Century in French Literature (3 units)
- GER 315 - Introduction to German Literature (3 units)
- GRI 415 - Jewish Thought and Philosophy (3 units) CO10, CO12
- HGPS 410 - Literature of the Holocaust (3 units) CO13
- HIST 367 - The Holocaust in its European Setting (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO12
- HIST 372 - Ancient Civiliz. II (3 units)
- HIST 373 - Medieval Civilizations (3 units)
- HIST 374 - History of the Byzantine Empire (3 units)
- HIST 378 - European Soc Hist II (3 units)
- HIST 384 - The Italian Renaissance (3 units)
- HIST 384A - Contemporary Italy: Mobsters, Priests, Patriots, and Divas (3 units)
- HIST 385 - Witches, Wars, and Wisdom in the Early Modern Era (3 units)
- HIST 387 - Western War and Modern Societies (3 units)
- HIST 387A - The World Wars and their Era (3 units) CO11
- HIST 393 - England and the British Empire I (3 units)
- HIST 394 - England and the British Empire II (3 units)
- HIST 395 - Russian History to 1900 (3 units)
- HIST 396 - 20th Century Russia and the Soviet Union (3 units)
- HIST 407 - The Global Cold War (3 units) CO11
- HIST 408 - World War II From a Global Perspective (3 units)
- HIST 427 - Europ. Intellect. Hist (3 units)
- HIST 427A - Culture and Society in European History II (3 units)
- HIST 431 - Modern Basque History (From 1700 to the Present) (3 units)
- HIST 439B - Inquisition in Europe and Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 454 - Topics in Medieval History (3 units)
- HIST 454A - Topics in Italian Renaissance (3 units)
- HIST 456 - Topics in Ancient History (3 units)
- HIST 462 - The French Revolution and The Revolutionary Era (3 units)
- HIST 463 - Europe: 1815-1914 (3 units)
- HIST 464 - Europe: 1914-Present (3 units) CO11
- HIST 465C - Modern Ireland and National Identity (3 units) CO11, CO13
- HIST 466A - The History of Fascism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- HIST 467 - Modern Jewish History (3 units)
- HIST 469 - Topics in Russian and East European History (3 units)
- HIST 480B - Renaissance Science and the Secrets of Nature (3 units) CO9, CO13
- HIST 490B - Social History of Medicine in the Modern Era (3 units) CO9, CO13
- HIST 491B - Women in Medieval Culture and Society (3 units) CO10, CO13
- ITAL 321 - Italian Culture and Civilization (3 units)
- ITAL 462 - Dante Divine Comedy (3 units)
- ITAL 494 - Italian Cinema (3 units)
- PSC 403J - Political Ethics and Political Corruptions (3 units) CO12, CO13
- PSC 405A - International Law (3 units)
- PSC 405G - International Conflict (3 units)
- PSC 405H - International Human Rights (3 units) CO12
- PSC 405I - Holocaust and Genocide (3 units)
- PSC 405J - The European Union (3 units)
- PSC 405P - Global Political Economy (3 units)
- PSC 405U - International Security (3 units)
- PSC 405X - Evolution of Cooperation and Conflict (3 units) CO12
- PSC 406A - Cybersecurity and International Relations (3 units) CO9
- PSC 406C - US-Russian Relations (3 units)
- PSC 407A - Political Systems of Western Europe (3 units)
- PSC 407C - Political Systems of Russia and East-Central Europe (3 units)
- PSC 407H - Politics and Problems in Developed Areas (3 units)
- PSC 407J - Nationalism (3 units)
- PSC 407K - Comparative Religion and Politics (3 units) CO10
- PSC 407Q - Political Violence (3 units)
- PSC 407S - Comparative Political Economy (3 units) CO11
- PSC 407V - Contemporary Basque Politics (3 units) CO10
- PSC 407W - Terrorism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407X - Suicide Terrorism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407Y - Democratization and Authoritarianism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 408C - Emerging World Powers (BRICS) (3 units)
- PSC 408D - Internet and Politics (3 units) CO9
Emphasis: Latin America
This course list includes upper-division courses with content relating to Latin America and states in this region. Other courses may be approved in consultation with an International Affairs advisor. Note that some of the pre-approved courses have prerequisites and corequisites outside the International Affairs major. - ANTH 401A - Contemporary Latin American Society (3 units) CO10
- ANTH 411C - Peoples and Cultures of the Amazon (3 units) CO11
- ANTH 440D - Archaeology of Ancient New World Civilizations (3 units)
- ANTH 442A - Historical Archaeology (3 units) CO11
- ART 375 - Art and Architecture of the Ancient Americas (3 units) CO11
- ART 482 - Art of Mexico (3 units) CO10, CO13
- ECON 462 - International Trade (3 units) CO11
- GEOG 476 - Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 334 - American Revolutions From Washington to Chavez (3 units) CO11
- HIST 340 - Modern African Diaspora and Popular Cultures (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 344 - Andean Ethnohistory (3 units) CO10
- HIST 345 - The History of Society and Culture in Brazil (3 units)
- HIST 346 - History of Cuba (3 units) CO11
- HIST 347 - History of Mexico (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 407 - The Global Cold War (3 units) CO11
- HIST 439 - Religion and Society in Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 439A - The Aztecs (3 units)
- HIST 439B - Inquisition in Europe and Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 439C - Slavery and Race in Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 440A - The Cuban Revolution (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 444A - U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (3 units) CO10, CO13
- PSC 403J - Political Ethics and Political Corruptions (3 units) CO12, CO13
- PSC 405A - International Law (3 units)
- PSC 405G - International Conflict (3 units)
- PSC 405H - International Human Rights (3 units) CO12
- PSC 405P - Global Political Economy (3 units)
- PSC 405U - International Security (3 units)
- PSC 405X - Evolution of Cooperation and Conflict (3 units) CO12
- PSC 406A - Cybersecurity and International Relations (3 units) CO9
- PSC 406C - US-Russian Relations (3 units)
- PSC 407E - Political Systems of Latin America (3 units)
- PSC 407J - Nationalism (3 units)
- PSC 407K - Comparative Religion and Politics (3 units) CO10
- PSC 407Q - Political Violence (3 units)
- PSC 407S - Comparative Political Economy (3 units) CO11
- PSC 407W - Terrorism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407X - Suicide Terrorism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407Y - Democratization and Authoritarianism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 408C - Emerging World Powers (BRICS) (3 units)
- PSC 408D - Internet and Politics (3 units) CO9
- PSC 408F - Border Politics (3 units) CO10, CO11
- SOC 405 - Third-World Societies (3 units) CO11
- SPAN 322 - Spanish American Culture and Civilization (3 units) CO11
- SPAN 350 - Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literature (3 units) CO12
- SPAN 355 - Masterworks of Spanish American Literature to 1850 (3 units) CO11
- SPAN 356 - Masterworks of Spanish American Literature 1850-Present (3 units) CO11
- SPAN 440 - Seminar in Hispanic Literature (3 units) CO11, CO13
- SPAN 461 - History of the Spanish Language (3 units) CO11, CO13
- SPAN 484 - Spanish-American Literature (3 units)
- WMST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
Emphasis: Middle East and North Africa
This course list includes upper-division courses with content relating to the Middle East and North Africa and states in this region. Other courses may be approved in consultation with an International Affairs advisor. Note that some of the pre-approved courses have prerequisites and corequisites outside the International Affairs major. Emphasis: Custom Emphasis
Students have the option of designing their International Affairs Emphasis in consultation with an International Affairs advisor. The Emphasis must include content consistent with an understanding of international affairs an interdisciplinary area of study, which includes diverse topics to culture, politics, economics, and society, among others. Emphasis courses must be upper-division content courses. They cannot be courses designed specifically for language-learning, methodological training, or training in technical or laboratory work. All courses included in a Custom Emphasis will require advisor approval. V. Minor Requirements (18-21 units)
The International Affairs program accepts any minor approved by the College of Liberal Arts. VI. Electives (1-24 units)
VII. Recommended Schedule
NOTE: Students wishing to take upper-division Economics coursework to satisfy any International Affairs major requirements should consider taking ECON 102 and ECON 103 during the first or second year.
Fall Semester (16 units)
- Prerequisite Core English (3 units) *
- Quantitative Reasoning (3 units) CO2*
- Foreign Language 111 (4 units)
- Artistic Composition, Interpretation, & Expression (3 units) CO7
Spring Semester (16 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
- Science, Technology & Society (3 units) CO9
- IAFF “Emphasis” Major (300-400 level) (3 units)
- IAFF “Emphasis” Major (300-400 level) (3 units)
- IAFF “International Economic Institutions” Major (3 units)
- Minor (300-400 level) (3 units)
Fall Semester (15 units)
- IAFF “Emphasis” Major (300-400 level) (3 units)
- IAFF “Emphasis” Major (300-400 level) (3 units)
- Capstone Integration & Synthesis (3 units) CO13
- Ethics (3 units) CO12
- Minor (300-400 level) (3 units)
Spring Semester (13 units)
- Application (3 units) CO14
- Minor (300-400 level) (6 units)
- General Elective (4 units)
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