Feb 19, 2025
University General Course Catalog 2024-2025
Gender, Race, and Identity (Ethnic Studies Specialization), B.A.
Students in the Gender, Race, and Identity major with the specialization in Ethnic Studies study race, ethnicity, and Indigeneity in historical and contemporary contexts and global and local settings. The major is grounded in an intersectional perspective, attending to the interrelationship of race, ethnicity, and Indigeneity with other forms of identity, difference, and power that include gender, sexuality, class, citizenship, nationality, religion, ability status, and other categories. Our course program critically analyzes the construction of racial, ethnic, and Indigenous identities and communities in global and local contexts; examines racism and antiracism; and addresses key theories in studies of race, ethnicity, and Indigeneity. The Gender, Race, and Identity major with a specialization in Ethnic Studies provides an expressly interdisciplinary environment for learning, drawing widely on academic traditions in the social sciences and the humanities. Students gain tools to critically analyze and engage our world and to enact change in their communities and professions.
Note: Within the BA in Gender, Race, and Identity, students may fulfill the major with a specialization in Ethnic Studies (described and detailed here), or alternately may complete either a general course of study in the major, or the major with a specialization in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. The general major and the specialization in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies are each described in their own pages in the UNR course catalog. All options in the major are advised by the Department of Gender, Race, and Identity.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to: - define and describe issues of race, ethnicity, and Indigeneity, with attention to their intersections with other forms of identity, difference, and power, including gender, sexuality, class, and other categories. (C)
- critically compare and distinguish among historical and theoretical understandings of race, ethnicity, and Indigeneity and among experiences of peoples of color, racisms, and antiracisms in relation to structural inequality, social movements, and state power. (CT)
- integrate and demonstrate comprehension of course content through oral presentations and critical, creative, and expository writing appropriate to audience. (C)
- analyze multiple dimensions of race, ethnicity, and Indigeneity from an interdisciplinary perspective, using a range of appropriate methodological tools. (C, CT, QR)
- integrate academic studies in the field of Ethnic Studies into personal and professional goals and formulate and implement theoretically informed political, cultural, and community action.
Transfer to the University of Nevada, Reno
Use the transfer agreement and the degree planner (available by clicking at the top right of this page) to build your plan for graduation with your advisor. Course substitutions not identified on the transfer agreement require UNR advisor approval. If a major-to-major transfer agreement is not available for your transfer institution, please check the General Core agreement if available. If neither is available, access Transferology to assist in your planning. Admission Requirements
A grade of “B-” or higher in GRI 103 is a prerequisite for continuing in the major. Graduation Requirements
- Total Units | 120
- Cumulative GPA | 2.0
- University GPA | 2.0
- Major GPA | 2.0
- Residency Requirement | 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR
- Major Residency Requirement | 15 Upper-Division Units in the major at UNR
- Upper-Division Requirement | 42 Upper-Division Units
I. Core General Education Requirements (24-27 units)
NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy .” Students in this major must meet all Core Objectives (CO1 through CO14). Courses satisfying Core Objectives are designated (e.g., CO9) in General Catalog curricula and course descriptions. A. Composition & Communication; Critical Analysis & Use of Information (3-6 units) - CO1, CO3
B. Quantitative Reasoning (3 units minimum) - CO2
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO2 courses.
C. Physical & Natural Phenomena (6 units minimum) - CO4, CO4L
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO4/CO4L courses.
D. Cultures, Societies, & Individuals (3 units) - CO6
E. Artistic Composition, Interpretation, & Expression (3 units) - CO7
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO7 courses.
F. History & Culture; Constitution (6 units) - CO5, CO8
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO5 , CO8 courses. II. Additional Core Requirements (15 units maximum)
Students must take courses that satisfy the following Core Objectives. Some or all of these Core Objectives may be satisfied in the Major Requirements (Section IV). Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. A. Science, Technology & Society - CO9
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO9 courses.
B. Diversity & Equity - CO10
Choose one course. The following recommended courses can also be used in the major requirement:
C. Global Context - CO11
Choose one course. The following recommended courses can also be used in the major requirement:
D. Ethics - CO12
The following recommended courses can also be used in the major requirement: E. Capstone Integration & Synthesis - CO13
Choose one course. The following recommended courses can also be used in the major requirement:
F. Application - CO14
Choose one course. The following recommended courses can also be used in the major requirement:
III. Additional College Requirements (6-20 units)
Units may vary depending on initial course placement in foreign language coursework. A. World Language Requirement (0-14 units)
Students seeking this bachelor’s degree must demonstrate proficiency in a world language other than English equal to a fourth semester course level through one of the following options: - complete a fourth semester college course in a world language other than English;
- demonstrate proficiency through a means determined by the Department of World Languages and Literatures including but not limited to minimum standardized test scores (CBAPE, SAT II, or IB), attaining a minimum aptitude on an accredited world language assessment test, or providing transcript evidence of a high school or equivalent diploma in which English was not the language of instruction; or,
- participate in a study abroad language program pre-approved by the Department of World Languages and Literatures to meet the world language requirement.
Note: Four years of high school world language instruction does not automatically satisfy this requirement. B. College Breadth Requirement (6 units)
Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree in the college shall be required to take, within the College of Liberal Arts, 6 units that are outside the departments in which they major or minor, and that exclude courses taken to fulfill the Core General Education requirements (Core Objectives 1 through 8). IV. Major Requirements (33 units)
Students may choose either a thesis or non-thesis option for the major. A grade of “B-” or higher in GRI 103 is a prerequisite for continuing in the major. Courses taken through USAC and other approved study abroad programs may be used to complete the GRI major (with advisor approval). A. Ethnic Studies Specialization Core Requirements (15 units)
Major Core 1 (3 units)
Majors must earn a “B-” or better in the following course: Major Core 2 (6 units)
Complete any two of the following courses. Senior Experience (6 units)
Majors will select either the thesis option or the non-thesis option. Thesis Option
Complete the following. Non-Thesis Option
Complete two courses that fulfill CO13 and/or CO14. Majors are strongly encouraged to complete both CO13 and CO14 with courses offered under a GRI prefix (ETS, GRI, HGPS, WMST), as provided in the list below. However, courses listed under electives that are offered outside the GRI department may be used to fulfill CO13 or CO14 with advisor approval. - GRI 418 - Global/Local Inequalities (3 units) CO11, CO14
- GRI 431 - Indigenous Representations in Film (3 units) CO10, CO13
- GRI 460 - Intersectionality and Social Justice (3 units) CO10, CO14
- GRI 478 - Latina Feminisms (3 units) CO10, CO13
- GRI 495 - Capstone in Gender, Race, and Identity (3 units) CO13, CO14
- GRI 498 - Internship in Gender, Race, and Identity (3 to 6 units) CO14
- HGPS 410 - Literature of the Holocaust (3 units) CO13
- HGPS 415 - Vietnam: Conflict and Consequences (3 units) CO13
- HGPS 421 - Concepts in Peace Studies and Nonviolence (3 units) CO13
- WMST 406 - Francophone Literature and Films in Translation (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 421 - Gender and Ethnicity in American Music (3 units) CO10, CO13, CO14
- WMST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
B. Major Electives (18 units)
At least 9 units must be from Group 1 and at least 6 units must be from Group 2, as listed below. Major electives must include 12 units at the 300-400 level. Where elective courses are cross-listed, the preference is that students in the GRI major enroll in the section of the course listed under a GRI prefix (e.g. ETS, GRI, HGPS, WMST). However, students may fulfill elective credit through cross-listed sections if needed. Group 1: Communities and Contexts (9-12 units)
Courses that address racial, ethnic, and indigenous communities in historical and contemporary contexts. Note that in addition to those listed, GRI 498 and GRI 499 may apply to Group 1 with advisor approval and when designed to focus on particular racial, ethnic, and/or indigenous communities in historical or contemporary contexts. To assist students in finding courses of interest, courses are grouped by their particular fields of study (Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies, Black Studies, Indigenous Studies, and Latinx Studies). Students may choose from any combination of these fields of study to fulfill requirements for Electives Group 1. Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies offered by GRI
Asian American and Pacific Islanders offered outside of GRI
Black Studies offered by GRI
Black Studies offered outside of GRI
- ANTH 401C - Peoples and Cultures of Africa (3 units) CO11
- ENG 495C - African American Literature (3 units) CO10
- HIST 230 - History of Africa I (3 units) CO11
- HIST 231 - History of Africa II - Modern Africa (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 231A - Islam in Africa: History, Religion, Culture, and Politics (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 293C - Introduction to African-American History I (3 units) CO8, CO10
- HIST 340 - Modern African Diaspora and Popular Cultures (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 345 - The History of Society and Culture in Brazil (3 units)
- HIST 433A - The African American Freedom Struggle After 1865 (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 433B - African-American History to 1877 (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 439C - Slavery and Race in Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 477 - Culture and Society in Modern Africa (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 479 - Race and Ethnicity in American History (3 units) CO10, CO13
- MUS 422 - Music of the African Diaspora (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- PSC 407T - Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa (3 units)
- SOC 424 - Race, Family, and Motherhood (3 units) CO10
Indigenous Studies offered by GRI
Indigenous Studies offered outside of GRI
Latinx Studies offered by GRI
- GRI 272 - Latinx Identities and Cultures (3 units) CO6, CO10
- GRI 348 - Latina/o/x Communication Studies (3 units) CO10, CO11
- GRI 375 - Afro-Latinx Communities in the U.S. (3 units) CO10, CO11
- GRI 422 - Music of the African Diaspora (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- GRI 478 - Latina Feminisms (3 units) CO10, CO13
- GRI 496D - Contemporary Latinx Literature (3 units) CO10
- WMST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 470 - Gender and Migration: Women, Men, and Global Movement (3 units) CO10, CO11
Latinx Studies offered outside of GRI
- ANTH 401A - Contemporary Latin American Society (3 units) CO10
- ANTH 470 - Gender and Migration: Women, Men, and Global Movement (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ART 375 - Art and Architecture of the Ancient Americas (3 units) CO11
- ART 482 - Art of Mexico (3 units) CO10, CO13
- COM 348 - Latina/o/x Communication Studies (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ENG 496D - Contemporary Latinx Literature (3 units) CO10
- GEOG 476 - Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 227 - Introduction to Latin American History and Culture I (3 units)
- HIST 228 - Introduction to Latin American History and Culture II (3 units) CO6
- HIST 214 - Latina/o/x History (3 units) CO10
- HIST 344 - Andean Ethnohistory (3 units) CO10
- HIST 345 - The History of Society and Culture in Brazil (3 units)
- HIST 346 - History of Cuba (3 units) CO11
- HIST 347 - History of Mexico (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 439 - Religion and Society in Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 439A - The Aztecs (3 units)
- HIST 439B - Inquisition in Europe and Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 439C - Slavery and Race in Latin America (3 units)
- HIST 440A - The Cuban Revolution (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 444A - U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (3 units) CO10, CO13
- JOUR 306 - Latinas/os Through The Eyes of The Media (3 units) CO10
- JOUR 465 - Noticiero Movil (3 units)
- MUS 422 - Music of the African Diaspora (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- PSC 407E - Political Systems of Latin America (3 units)
- SOC 375 - Afro-Latinx Communities in the U.S. (3 units) CO10, CO11
- SPAN 313 - Spanish in the U.S. (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SPAN 323 - Chicano/U.S. Latino Culture (3 units) CO10
- SPAN 357 - Masterworks of Chicano/U.S. Latino Literature (3 units) CO10
Group 2: Comparative, Relational, and Global (6-9 units)
Courses that address race, ethnicity, and indigeneity in comparative, relational, and global contexts or that offer conceptual approaches. Group 2 offered by GRI
- ETS 150 - Race in Contemporary Life (3 units) CO10
- ETS 251 - Theories of Race and Ethnicity (3 units) CO6, CO10
- ETS 307 - Topics in Race and Racism (3 units) CO10
- GRI 201 - Narratives of Identity and Difference (3 units) CO10
- GRI 257 - Social Movements of Gender, Race, and Identity (3 units) CO10, CO12
- GRI 345 - U.S. Writers of Color (3 units) CO10
- GRI 379 - Ethnic and Race Relations (3 units) CO10, CO13
- GRI 415 - Jewish Thought and Philosophy (3 units) CO10, CO12
- GRI 418 - Global/Local Inequalities (3 units) CO11, CO14
- GRI 428 - Indigenous Feminisms (3 units) CO10
- GRI 460 - Intersectionality and Social Justice (3 units) CO10, CO14
- GRI 478 - Latina Feminisms (3 units) CO10, CO13
- GRI 491 - Special Topics (3 units)
- GRI 498 - Internship in Gender, Race, and Identity (3 to 6 units) CO14
- GRI 499 - Independent Study (1 to 3 units)
- HGPS 201 - Concepts in Holocaust, Genocide and Peace Studies (3 units) CO10
- HGPS 410 - Literature of the Holocaust (3 units) CO13
- HGPS 415 - Vietnam: Conflict and Consequences (3 units) CO13
- HGPS 421 - Concepts in Peace Studies and Nonviolence (3 units) CO13
- HGPS 493 - Special Topics (3 units)
- RST 101 - Introduction to Religious Studies (3 units) CO10, CO12
- RST 495 - Special Topics in Religious Studies (3 units) CO12
- WMST 353 - Identity Politics in the United States (3 units) CO10
- WMST 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units) CO10
- WMST 406 - Francophone Literature and Films in Translation (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 410 - Topics in Gender and Culture (3 units) CO10, CO11
- WMST 421 - Gender and Ethnicity in American Music (3 units) CO10, CO13, CO14
- WMST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
Group 2 offered outside GRI
- ANTH 410 - Topics in Gender and Culture (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ANTH 435 - Anthropology of Global Migration (3 units) CO13
- ANTH 470 - Gender and Migration: Women, Men, and Global Movement (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ANTH 485 - Language and Culture (3 units) CO10, CO13
- BASQ 220 - Introduction to Basque Cultural Studies in a Global Frame (3 units) CO10
- BASQ 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units) CO10
- BASQ 448 - Basque Art, Politics, and Identity in a Global Context (3 units) CO13
- BASQ 456 - Basque Language, Society and Culture (3 units)
- BASQ 471 - Basque Culture (3 units) CO13
- COM 275 - Racism, Colonialism, and Communication (3 units) CO10
- COM 422 - Difference and Communication (3 units) CO10, CO12
- CRJ 380 - Diversity and Multiculturalism in Community Policing (3 units) CO10
- CRJ 381 - Diversity and Multiculturalism in Criminal Justice (3 units) CO10
- CRJ 427 - Struggle for Justice (3 units) CO10, CO13
- EDU 215 - A Global Lens on Equity and Diversity in YA Literature (3 units) CO10, CO11
- EDUC 413 - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Education (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- ENG 304 - U.S. Literature and Culture (3 units)
- ENG 345 - U.S. Writers of Color (3 units) CO10
- ENG 350 - Topics in Cultural Rhetorics and Identity (3 units) CO10
- ENG 435 - Global Cinema (3 units) CO11
- ENG 486A - Studies in Postcolonial Literature and Theory (3 units) CO10, CO11
- ENG 492C - Language and Culture (3 units) CO10, CO13
- ENG 497A - Topics in Multi-Cultural Literature (3 units)
- ENG 497B - Race and Gender in Coming-of-Age Narratives (3 units) CO10, CO12, CO13
- FREN 410 - Intercultural Awareness in Cross-Cultural Settings (1 unit) CO14
- GEOG 305 - Community Environmental Problems (3 units)
- HDFS 232 - Diversity in Children (3 units)
- HDFS 438 - Children and Families in a Multi-Ethnic Society (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 229 - Drugs & Security in the Americas (3 units) CO11
- HIST 312 - The Expansion of The United States (3 units) CO10
- HIST 344 - Andean Ethnohistory (3 units) CO10
- HIST 345 - The History of Society and Culture in Brazil (3 units)
- HIST 367 - The Holocaust in its European Setting (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO12
- HIST 403A - Tourism, Imperialism, and Culture in Hawai’i (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 404C - Social Movements in the United States (3 units) CO12, CO13
- HIST 416B - Contemporary America: The United States since 1945 (3 units) CO10, CO11
- HIST 467 - Modern Jewish History (3 units)
- HIST 479 - Race and Ethnicity in American History (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 488C - Topics in Nature and Culture (3 units)
- JOUR 481 - Race, Gender and Media (3 units) CO10
- JOUR 482 - International and Cross-Cultural Reporting (3 units) CO11
- MUS 421 - Gender and Ethnicity in American Music (3 units) CO10, CO13, CO14
- MUS 431 - Exploring World Music (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 353 - Identity Politics in the United States (3 units) CO10
- PSC 405H - International Human Rights (3 units) CO12
- PSY 431 - Multicultural Psychology (3 units) CO10
- SOC 342 - Social Stratification (3 units) CO10
- SOC 345 - Social Movements and Collective Behavior (3 units) CO10, CO11
- SOC 379 - Ethnic and Race Relations (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SOC 406 - Globalization and Society (3 units) CO11
- SOC 490 - Class, Race and Gender (3 units) CO10
- SW 310 - Structural Oppression (3 units)
- WLL 470 - Multiculturalism in Literature and Film (3 units) CO10, CO13
V. Minor Requirements (18-21 units)
The major in Gender, Race, and Identity (Ethnic Studies specialization) accepts any minor approved by the College of Liberal Arts. VI. Electives (4-24 units)
VII. Recommended Schedule
Spring Semester (16 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
Fall Semester (15 units)
- GRI Electives fulfilling CO11 and CO12 (6 units)
- College Breadth Requirement (3 units)
- Minor (3 units)
- General Elective (3 units)
Spring Semester (15 units)
- GRI Electives (6 units)
- 300-400 Level Minor (3 units)
- Minor (3 units)
- General Elective (3 units)
Fall Semester (15 units)
- GRI Elective (3 units)
- 300-400 Level Minor (3 units)
- General Elective (3 units)
Thesis Option: - GRI 451 – Senior Thesis I (3 units) **
- Capstone Integration & Synthesis (3 units) CO13
Non-Thesis Option: - GRI Senior Experience fulfilling CO13 (3 units)
- General Elective (3 units)
Spring Semester (13 units)
- 300-400 Level Minor (3 units)
- General Electives (7 units)
Thesis Option: - GRI 452 – Senior Thesis II (3 units) CO14 **
Non-Thesis Option: - GRI Senior Experience fulfilling CO14 (3 units)
** These courses are required for students pursuing the thesis option. |